I reluctantly agreed. I crawled out of the ditch, my clothes a bit torn, my jacket now useless from half shifting, and we loaded her into the ambulance. Sitting in the back getting her settled, Jase returned up front to drive, unfazed by his ragged appearance.

Secured on the stretcher, I quickly checked her vitals and assessed her injuries, wrapping a warming blanket around her. I pushed wet hair off her forehead to see the beginnings of a bruise across the bridge of her nose, likely from the airbag. Even with two black eyes I would guess she would look pretty. She was breathing independently, but definitely needed more care. I reached behind my neck and pulled the rest of my jacket and shirt off, grabbing another dry one from the supply cabinet. Jase waved me off when I offered him a clean shirt.

He told me, “The road is closed, so I can’t get her to the hospital, but I can get her to the urgent care clinic. I called it in and the nurse on call said to bring her in. Eden is working tonight.”

“Let’s go. It looks like a possibly broken wrist, hypothermic, head trauma possible…” I raised the blanket slightly and looked down, peeling her top back to listen to her heart with the stethoscope. I ignored the uncomfortable feelings when I saw her bright green bra. I was more worried about the rest of her bruises and ripped up pants with minor cuts.

“Looks like deep contusions where the seatbelt was across her chest and scrapes all over her knees.” Jase called it in as he drove back toward town, advising dispatch we’d take her to the clinic and to send a wrecker for her car. She looked battle worn, this unknown stranger in her fragile state, and a feeling I was unfamiliar with overcame me.

She stirred a bit and I grasped her hand, holding it in my own to examine how different she was from me with pale smooth skin and blonde hair. Curvy breasts that make me swallow back lustful thoughts. She was a patient, but I was drawn to her. It should be wrong, it was wrong, but yet the feelings didn’t abate.

Whispered breaths had me leaving over to hear what she was saying. “H-hurts. C-cold.” I pumped her hand in a squeeze meant to be reassuring and gentle, but she held on tight with whatever energy she had left. I was pulled down close to her face to look at her more closely. Shapely brows and dark lashes juxtaposed her pale skin. Her lips moved, but the only sounds I heard were the beating of my own heart against the wail of the ambulance’s sirens.

“You’re gonna be okay. Have sweet dreams and I’ll catch you if you start to fall.” It was a ridiculous thing to say. I didn’t know her, but I’d never wanted to scoop anyone up and protect them after a call before.

This was going to be a problem.

Chapter Four

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis


“Welcome back to the land of the living, Miss Harper. I’m Dr. Eden Lupinski.” An unfamiliar voice pierced my ears and weight shifted the edge of the bed on my right side. I was cold. So damn cold. I was pretty sure there was nothing left below my waist because of the heaviness that draped over my body. My chattering lips wanted to beg the doctor to chop me in half. That was about as far as my thought processes would go.

“Relax, you’re in the emergency clinic here in Woodland Creek.” She held my wrist and shifted the sheets aside so she could press the stethoscope against my skin. It was cold and I would’ve pulled away, but her grasp was too strong. “My brother and cousin brought you in the ambulance after you drove into a ditch. Silly human, ditches don’t make nice storm bunkers, don’t you know?” She chuckled and I didn’t particularly like her or her condescending tone. I have a name and I’m a person, not just some human thing.

“It was raining?” The room was dark with dim recessed lighting and opening my eyes was painful, so I didn’t try. One crack of my eyelids left me with a spinning disaster inside my head and images of yesterday. A fight with Dillon, calling the school admissions at Hastings-Albrecht to accept, and rushing to pack my little car up for a new adventure…it was a blur and the thought made me groan with dismay.

“Still is raining by the looks of things.” Her voice seemed far away and I rested against the pillows, but found I was curious with more questions if she was willing to answer them.

“My car?” I raised my right hand up to my throat, swallowing down what felt like damp sand and dust in my throat. Hearing water being poured, she held a cup to my lips, instructing me to drink slowly.

“The boys called a wrecker to come and tow it to the garage in town, but it’s going to take some time. Doubtful they’ll find your door with the flooding. The roads are a mess and the sheriff has advised everyone to stay home if possible.” I let that information sit with me for a moment. I wondered how much of my stuff had survived the ordeal.

“My wrist?” I knew my left wrist was wrapped up securely and throbbing dull pain radiated through my arm. I glanced at the doctor, gauging her next words.

“Oh, that’s definitely sprained and bruised. Luckily, it’s not broken, the X-rays look good. We should keep it immobile for a week at least, maybe two. Damn lucky.” Dr. Lupinski was apparently finished chastising me and stood up to leave the room, grabbing a sheet and pulling it closed around my bed. Poking her head back in, she smiled bright, a mouth full of straight teeth, making me nervous again. “Rest, I’m pretty sure you’ll have some visitors later.” That sheet separated me from the rest of the hallway and all I could think about was that my student health insurance probably hadn’t kicked in yet. Another cost to add to my growing student loans.

Not much I could do about that, so I rolled over and tried to rest because there wasn’t any other place for me to go. I didn’t want to call my parents or my sisters and definitely not my ex. My injuries weren’t life-threatening and I just didn’t need to hear their criticism about my accident. More things that would be viewed as my fault and I wasn’t up to any battles.

A touch gently caressed my bare arm. I didn’t realize it was uncovered until roughly padded fingers pressed on my bruised skin. I let my eyes drift closed again and felt the blankets being pulled up to cover my arms, gently tucked around my shoulders. The heat was like a beacon to my chilled core and I craved to have more of it over me, on me, and strangely within me if I could. Leaning into it, I didn’t care how it happened and a rumbly laugh vibrated against my ear with spicy breath that heated my cheeks and left me turning my head toward the source, hearing muffled words. “Rest, please.”

* * * * *

Heat suffocated me from all sides like flames licking up my body. I struggled to get the covers off, but it was hard because of my weakened state. Feeling trapped again left my chest tight with impending panic and s

uffocation. A racking cough followed and immediately I was hauled up the bed to a sitting position roughly with a gentleness that belayed the contrast.

I was face to face with a complete stranger and gasping for air. Gray eyes lined with black and gold flecks in his pupils narrowed slightly. A mess of choppy looking brown hair covered his head wildly, with a stubbly chin of a beard. My right hand was drawn to smooth it down, but I realized his hands were holding my arms, helping me to sit up. I felt like he was pawing at me, but I knew that couldn’t be right.

“You’re okay. Take shallow breaths.” His head nodded and I tried to focus my breathing. Looking down, I saw thick corded arms and his sleeves were rolled up to show his muscles. He moved one arm behind me and a heavy hand stroked my back as the coughing settled to a racking shake. His other hand rested gently over my chest, fingers rubbing against my throat. I worked to catch my breath and untangle myself from his hold. My right hand covered the one on my chest and the room felt like a vacuum. Caught in time and standing still, my breaths were the only sound I heard and his eyes seemed to be guiding me, helping me calm my crazy heart.

“W-what?” Speaking was a chore and I shut my eyes, hoping everything was part of a dream as I disconnected myself from his pull.

“Shh…you’ve developed a cold sitting in that icy bath of a car.” His voice was smooth as he continued to lull my body into a false sense of security. He smelled fresh and woodsy. Some combination of male, pine, and clean laundry I couldn’t fully describe but wholly appreciated.

“Is there a reason you’re in bed with my patient, Mr. Boone?” At the interruption, my body stiffened as the bands of warmth released me slowly against propped up pillows with hesitation. He leaned half sitting on the bed.