“That storm is going to roll in.” We could see the mountain behind it getting a forceful reckoning, thick sheets of rain and maybe hail which wasn’t unusual in a summer storm.

“Do you think it will pass quickly?”

“I don’t know.” With that the wind shift and a cloud above us released a torrent of rain overhead. Within seconds we were shocked cold and soaked to the bone.

“Let’s go inside before we get soaked.”

“I think it’s too late for that.” Another bolt of lightning zigzagged across the sky. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward shutting the thick wooden door behind me.

It was cool inside the shed, the only light coming from an old window that faced the vineyard. A small table and bench occupied the corner with a few gardening tools and pruning shears for the grapes. In the opposite corner on the concrete floor lay a hay filled mattress and a woolen blanket that looked older than both of us combined.

“Come here.” I pulled her near the bedding and dragged her down beside me rolling the thick blanket around our shivering bodies.

“You’re so warm.” Sierra’s teeth chattered and I folded her small frame into mine. My heat merged with her chill keeping us damp under the musty wool.

“Better?” I asked and she nodded under my chin, her small hands roaming my chest and around my neck. I shifted us so I leaned against the wall and situated her between my outstretched legs.

“What were you doing here today?” Her voice chattered and I rubbed my hands up and down her back.

“Listening to my dad talk about the food and wine festival. Business stuff I guess, but I was hoping to see you too.” I answered her honestly.


“Yeah, you.” Her head tipped back and those light brown orbs stared into mine. “I seem to be doing that a lot.”

“What’s that?” My eyes followed her tongue that licked her lips as she spoke. I was sure she didn’t even know she did that, teasing me.

“Looking for you.” Our lips seemed to be on trajectory to collide and the first touch of skin made me grunt in awareness. The storm outside raged and I plundered her mouth opening her up wider and shifting her legs to straddle mine sitting on the floor.

“You taste like Rose.” She murmured her lips against mine.

“Your grandfather wanted another opinion. It’s sweet like you.” I wasn’t old enough to drink but Mr. Occho was old school Greek and I knew wine made an appearance at every meal. It was tradition and not surprising given this recipe had been in the family for generations and spanning two continents.

“I’m the sour grape in the family.” Her laughter wasn’t one of humor. It was dark and begged a follow up question I felt unprepared to ask.

“If that’s sour then I want to taste it every day.”

“You’ll mess up your pretty face. “ She said frowning.

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take.” I kissed her back, deeper this time earning me a whimper as I laid her down on the mattress covering her body with mine. My knee speared her legs apart to ride the damp cotton of my jeans with friction.

“Andrew.” Her breathy whisper broke me as her hands anchored in my hair drawing me closer to her body. The bones underneath me seemed fragile and I wanted to take extra care to not hurt her in any way.

“Say you want this.” I kissed her eyelids, her cheek, and her face. “Say that for once you’re choosing me over everything else for just this once. Let me be the sun after a long rain.” My heart hurt with a heavy burn that threatened to suffocate me on each inhalation.

“I want you. I’ve always wanted you Andrew.” Her moan was loud but drowned out by the competing storm and I felt and urge to see if I could make her scream louder than nature which was currently pounding the shit out of the little stone shed.

I wanted her to own this moment, own her shit and feel worthy of love. I couldn’t make it happen but I could damn well try.




“Why did you come back?” I screamed into the night and wind. Rain hit my face so hard the words drowned coming out. She shouldn’t have been here at the vineyard either. I bought the place, it was mine now and she was technically squatting on my property unless she stepped inside the cottage. Odd how I could own everything around her, but not her, never her, never her heart. History be damned.

“I couldn’t stay away. Everything hurt no matter where I went or how high I tried to get. Nothing took the pain or the guilt away. Not the booze I drank to numb myself. Not the pills I used to forget. Not men I used to get back at what happened to me.”