“Low blow Andrew and if you want my mouth on your dick in the next ten years you’ll spill the town secrets.” Her grumble was joking so I know she isn’t serious but still–we seem to be really good at zinging each other.

“Ouch, Firefly.”

“I’ll ask Taylor and Kristen next time they come in the pub.”

“Don’t do that. Kristen will get homicidal and Whit’s girlfriend is still navigating new relationship territory. You remember what first love is like, don’t you?” I asked curious but also a glutton for her answer.

“You know I do. Despite everything…” She paused breathing deeply before starting up again. “I always loved you. I think I’ll always love you.” She said this like it’s in the past instead of hovering on the surface like I am, bruised and battered. We might be in the eye of the hurricane right now bracing for bad weather, but at some point, the storm has to end and the cleanup has to begin. I wished it hadn’t been a ten year process, but it is what it is.

Relenting, I tell her the story of how Whit dated the tantric herbalist and how a story got out about her sunning her asshole during her spiritual trips to Arizona once a year. No one could verify the story and Callista never denied it, so it stuck. The part that had Whit in a bind was his past sexual relationship with the pretty botanist who Lia had immense jealousy toward. We knew it was her age and insecurities more than anything making this an issue, but out of respect, we all played along ignoring it. Poor Callista ended up getting the short stick in the deal.

“So because no one is willing to put them in a room together and ask them point blank everyone is catering to a barely legal girl’s feelings?” Sierra sounded outraged.

“Look, I’m not saying it’s right, but Whit is our friend. He was in a fire a while back and got injured so we tend to tread lightly after seeing Lia fall apart so hard.”

“Wow. I really did miss a lot.” She murmured.

I kissed the top of her head breathing in her faint violet scent.

“You have no idea.”

I contemplate attempting to text David when a bang sounds on the door.

“Hey! We’re in here!” Sierra pushed herself up and banged back on the door.

“Boss? Miss O?” Pedro shouted from the other side jiggling the knob. As much as I didn’t want my time with Sierra to end because we weren’t fighting for a change, it was time.

“It’s us Pedro, can you get the knob off?”

“Si, boss. Hang on.”

“Thank goodness for Pedro.” Sierra said.

A few minutes later and my barkeep had the knob off and the door open. I watched Sierra step outside the closet and stretch. Her blouse is untucked exposing her smooth, soft concave belly. My fingers itched to touch it but I don’t We’ve had enough heavy petting for tonight and casual conversation. I want to ask her to stay, come upstairs for a while, but I don’t.

She turned facing me as Pedro handed her purse to her. Her lips have turned upward and its awkward with someone watching the byplay between the two of us.

“I’ll see you around, Easton.”

“Let me call you a cab, Miss O.” Pedro walked with her and I watch them disappear into the crowd of the bar still hopping, dancing, and drinking. She doesn’t glance back over her shoulder and I don’t call her back desperately to stay. Is this what moving on feels like, because I fucking hate it.



“You’re going to need a vehicle to drive the longer you stay here.” Andy said as he walked with me side by side. We rounded the house and stood in front of the dilapidated barn that doubled as a garage when my grandfather was alive.

“I think that’s a given, but I still haven’t decided what I’m doing with the winery.” I reached for the barn door and tugged at. The damn thing was locked or rusted shut, it was hard to tell and my tugs and grunts weren’t getting me anywhere.

I glanced over my shoulder. Andy propped himself against the door with a smug grin on his face and a tight t-shirt stretched over his chest. “A little help, please?” I asked batting my eyelashes.

Andy chuckled.

“Of course, my lady firefly.”

Together we pulled and grunted. Andy stepped behind me, his body covering mine. His erection rubbed against the back of my skirt and I leaned into him. If he was going to tease me with his big dick, I was going to tease him right back.

“I know what you’re doing,” I said giving the next pull all my strength.