I jerked my hips up and down as he slid his cock between my lips. “Andy.” I panted, frustrated with the delay.

“Now you know a fraction of what I felt feels like.”


are you talking about?” He pinched one nipple through the satin cup of my bra and then the other leaving a sting that’s addicting. I’m not wearing anything super fancy, just some big box brand of polyester lace and silk, but it’s new and mine and I didn’t have to dance in some shit hole night club to earn it. Andy is the only one whose seen me in it, and it feels special in a strange sort of way.

“I waited for you. I waited years for you to come back to me.” He’s burying his head in my neck. His chest heaved and I swear his cheeks are damp against the crook of my shoulder. This isn’t some sweet reunion. This is Andy’s version of a come to Jesus and while I’d like to come hard and scream out the Holy Trinity, I don’t think it will generate the reaction from him I’m hoping for.

“I had to leave. I had to go. I couldn’t stay.” I repeated the old mantra that’s haunted me for years.

“But you could have taken me with you. I would have done anything for you.”

“I would have ruined you.” I looked up into pain filled eyes ruining things all over again.

“You already had. I married you. I made you my fucking wife and promised a lifetime with you.”

And there it was. The ultimate slap of guilt laid at my feet with the softest tap. I let him down. I lied to him. I kept secrets from the boy who became a changed man because of my reckless negligence. His cock was mere centimeters from my cunt that pulsed for him and only him, and he pushed me back slowly. His hand caressed my thigh and dropped my foot down from the shelf.

“What are you doing?”

“You refused to be a wife and fight for us back then.” His voice is devoid of the warmth and the urgency from moments before.

“I was eighteen and terrified.” I also had a baby in my belly that wasn’t his, but I wasn’t about to drop that bomb tonight. I’d already detonated enough damage on the both of us. I made Chernobyl look like a walk in the park.

“You’re allowed to make mistakes, Firefly, but sooner or later all your running away catches up to you.”

“Has it caught me, yet?”

“I don’t know.” Andy’s hands rested on my hips as he pulled my blouse closed leaving me to deal with popped buttons and loose threads.

His hand reached for the door and he turned the knob. It grinds against jam but doesn’t open.

“Motherfucker.” He whispers bumping his head against the wood.

“What’s happened, Andrew?”

“Would you believe the is locked?” He spit out a curse in Greek even I can’t make out. I left my phone in my purse which isn’t with me. Now when we need space more than ever to process the Grand Canyon’s chasm between us, fate has decided to fuck us over Vegas style.

“I don’t have my phone to call anyone.” I said resting my hand on his tense back.

“I don’t either.” He mumbled. We could hear the commotion outside the tiny closet from the interior of the bar. Live music was starting to play and the place was likely packed on the Saturday night. Last call wasn’t until 2:00am. It looked like we were stuck in here after all.

“What are the odds?” I turned around and started pushing cleaning supplies around to make myself comfortable on a spot on the floor. Andy turned and even though I couldn’t see his face, I patted the ground and he slouched down to join me.

“We’ll be here awhile.” Andy looped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him. I relaxed against him and tried to make the best of it. If the sale of the winery went through, it wasn’t like I had a lot of time left here anyway.

I played with the button on his dress shirt and I felt him kiss the top of my head and it felt a little too much like goodbye.



Now was probably not the best time to tell Sierra I had my phone in my back pocket. It was turned on silent so I wouldn’t hear any pings or feel the vibration of any messages come through. It had been that way since the start of tonight after my fight with David. Call it kismet or whatever that the door was jammed. It had a habit of doing that I had yet to get it fixed. I hadn’t planned on getting locked in here with Sierra, but like most aspects of our relationship. Things were pretty messed up.

This might be one of the few chances I had left to get actual answers out of her instead of excuses. I had paperwork burning a fire in my filing cabinet because I hadn’t filed it with the court yet. Another half-truth I gave her because I felt like she was still lying to me.

Sooner or later Pedro, David, or any of the other staff would find us at the end of the night. For a broom closet that almost because a sex den it wasn’t half bad.