
Andrew kissed me with a fierce passion that erased the bad parts of my past away like a fresh hot shower. If anything, his body was more honed to perfection after this time and he used it to subdue my will and second guesses with ease. Our bodies knew exactly what to do as if it were yesterday and nothing had ever torn us apart.

Love was crazy like that. It made me do some pretty stupid things over the years. Things like running away in the middle of the night as much as coming back in the light of day to face these impossible demons.

We wrestled our clothes off and Andrew kissed my face, my neck and breasts with bites and licks that made me feel on fire. For once, I didn’t think about how lost I’d gotten, or the detours I’d taken down morality’s narrow path far away from him, my first true love. Andrew made everything better.

“If you ever leave me like that again.” He growled holding me down. He didn’t know that was a trigger for me and I didn’t tell him. I couldn’t bear to burden him with more. I could handle this. I could get through it. I thought for a brief moment of my gentle giant still living on the farm. The Amish man-boy who offered to keep me when he loved another. His selflessness led me back to Andrew and for that I would always be grateful. I breathed through the triggers and opened myself up to Andrew’s loving strokes and hard squeezes that brought me back to the present.



“So is there a reason why we’re hanging out at a bar in Albany instead of at home in the one practically in our backyard?”


“Yeah, okay.” Hunter sipped his beer putting it down on the polished counter gently so as not to click the glass on the surface.

“I needed a night out.”

“Nothing wrong with that. I don’t think I’ve known you to take a break from anything since buying out your dad in the bar.”

“I had to get away but I didn’t want to either.”

“I know things have been difficult. Have you thought about just letting her go?”

“It’s harder than I think. I could push her away but it’s like a rubber ball in a closed off room. She comes back and just hits me harder each time.”

“Doesn’t sound like you want to let go then.”

“No, but I also don’t know how to keep her from knocking us both out.”

“I don’t think you can. I think sometimes you keep getting back up no matter what and let it ride.”

“I loved her then.”

“Andi, you never stopped and that’s okay. Just don’t let yourself suffer too much.”



“Where are you taking me?” I tugged my hand and Andy’s lips quirked upward as he tugged me back gently. He could be secretive when he wanted to be and I knew that he wouldn’t tell me anything unless he wanted too–especially now. The level of trust between us was still new, raw, and not yet tested in the way that would ensure his confidence in me. That was the penance I silently agreed to pay when I didn’t share my own secrets with this beautiful man.

“I am taking you somewhere that I’ve always wanted to take you.” He hummed and opened the door to his car. So we weren’t taking his motorcycle. Interesting. That didn’t narrow my options on ideas any further. Instead it broadened them and so my anxiety bubbled as the car engine purred to life.

“Not even a little hint? A teeny tiny one?” I wasn’t above pleading but just like our newfound relationship was on shaky ground, my pouted lip didn’t faze him one bit. I could have been a small puppy, shivering wet and starving, Andy Easton wasn’t budging. If anything, my plea made him chuckle and I huffed sinking further down in my seat.

“Don’t worry little firefly, today is going to be fun. Relax. Enjoy the drive and if you’re hungry, I picked up some pastries from Carmen earlier.” Andy reached into the backseat of the car and pulled out a white bakery bag to hand me. I took the bag and rumpled the paper opening it up to a bevy of sweet smells that reminded me of my grandmother’s warm kitchen.

“Bribery will only get you so far, sir.” I mocked dipping my nose deeper into the bag inhaling the sugary sweetness of chocolate croissants and fresh fried beignets.

Andy chuckled and focused on the highway in front of us. It was rare for him to leave town and the bar mostly unattended, but I guessed with David managing things and Remington filling in all would be well in hand.

“You haven’t said much about the vineyard.” He commented passing a large truck that was doing fifty in a six-five zone.