Chase held his hand up.

“I only know what I’ve heard which is that she’s a sweet kid in a rough place and you two have given her a job and a home. She works hard and goes to school. Winnie also hangs out with her sometimes.”

“Right.” My voice was gruffer than usual as I thought about the incident that week. I was out, but Andy had to call the cops to take care of an asshole who thought he could have grabby hands with the barmaids, particularly Remington. Thank god Evan was on duty, although, I was pretty sure that guy was going to get another talking to from me sooner or later the way his eyes mooned over her. Girl was like a honey pot on a summer day and had no idea the effect she had on men. Trouble should have been her middle name with her southern accent, bright carrot top hair and tiny little body. So of course my bleeding heart brother hired her and business boomed instantly since she started slinging beers.

“Look, I’m not here how to tell you how to handle your business. Kiara is a great person, and I’ve known you forever. You guys would be good together so don’t screw it up.”

“Easier said than done, Calloway.”

“So while I have you here, I need to ask a technical question.” And just like that Chase knew how to pivot the conversation to safer topics like computers and software programing I could write in my sleep. Kiara might have had issues with people letting her down, well she wasn’t the only one, and I leaned toward technology to keep me sane. I was willing to try opening up to her, if she was willing to let me.

“If you need me to check out your network and make some upgrades that easy enough to do. I have evenings free after football practice, but weekend mid-mornings might work better.” I didn’t press the coaching issue because Chase’s dad was still the head coach, and that was a bitter subject for him.

“Alright, let’s plan that. I’ll get Winnie out of the house so she doesn’t try to play matchmaker or make appetizers in the oven again.”

“It’s cute you pretend to not like it.” I said taunting him a little.

“A man has to have some boundaries. Just you wait. Oh, and you didn’t hear this from me, but the girls like to attend yoga class regularly on Wednesday nights.” Chase grinned and popped up out of his seat to leave me with my remaining tacos.

What did guys wear to a yoga class?

I texted my brother to find out.



Today was raining and crappy by anyone’s standards matching my current mood. Turbulent might have been a better description given the swirling emotions and wondering if I was going to see a certain ex-soldier again.

Most of the athletic practices this week were indoors. We alternated between the pool and the gym and I didn’t see David at all. He had been called over to the middle school to take a look at their network and only returned to teach his programming classes. I wanted to talk him after I had cooled down but between that and my acupuncture appointment for my phantom pains life continued to get crazy.

So when I needed a reset like this, I called my sister to meet me for yoga. Luckily Kelsey was off after working a double shift and her fiancé had a surgical conference in Chicago. We needed sister time and maybe a late dinner after the evening class.

Inside the studio, I shook out my jacket and yoga mat covered in heavy droplets of icy fall rain. The chill induced shivers and I knew a hot shower later would be perfect. For now, I stretched warming up and working out sore muscles. I was able to do many of the yoga poses and depending on my mood, I would take off my leg to do other adapted poses to improve my strength and core muscles.

“I’m so glad you called me for yoga. I need this.” Kelsey rolled out her mat and adjusted it in front of the mirror coming next to me. My sister looked tired and I couldn’t imagine how she managed to do it all. She worked some kind of magic mojo working her residency, dating, and living an actual life.

“Well, I missed you and we didn’t get to chat much at dinner after your big announcement.” I laid down on my mat and Kelsey helped me stretch my hips and pressed back on my legs that helped me work out a sore spot.

“I regret not calling you first. Promise me if you get engaged, you’ll tell me before we break the news. The Aunts have basically catered the whole thing, and now I have to explain to them that Thad is a vegan.”

“I do not envy that conversation. You know they think fried chicken is its own food group.” Our Aunts ran their own restaurant for as long as we could remember. At some point, all of us kids worked there busing or waiting tables. It was good money, but we still had clothes where we couldn’t get the smell of grease and ketchup out. They were bossy ladies and even our mom who was the only married one of the siblings couldn’t get them to stand down without a family intervention.

“Sure on my thighs. I’m going to have to start going to hot yoga to sweat off all these extra calories.” We laughed together and I would miss this one on one time with Kelsey when she married. I had a feeling Thad’s conference in Chicago was more than just a conference but I’d wait for Kelsey to clean about it.

“So do we have a color theme for the wedding?”

“Not yet, it depends on if I have to add Thad’s cousins to the lineup. Nothing is going to be simple because half the girls will look good in red or lilac and the other half will look bad or complain about strapless gowns.” My poor sister was going to have her hands full with that one.

“Again, not envying this situation.” I said.

“Hey, Kia. You’ve got company in the back.” Kelsey nudged me. I peeked in the mirror and saw David rolling out a bright blue yoga mat awkwardly on the floor. What the hell was he doing here? I hoped he wasn’t trying to ogle the other women in here be

cause one legged or not I would kick his ever loving ass.

“Psst. Aren’t you going to say hello?” She encouraged me and flashed her two carat ring under my nose clearly hinting at something.

“No. I’m not going back there and stop being a brat.” I hissed.