Damn, I really messed up because I didn’t even get to see her gorgeous body. Now that was a crying shame. Maybe next time I could coax her to take her boots off and let me thrust into her all slow like. I enjoyed our wild hand grabbing sex fest, but I missed not knowing what a slow kiss would have been like. Her soft lips pressed against mine versus her sexy whimpers and the kitty claw scratches scoured on my hip and shoulder.

Though if I was completely honest, the real disappointment lay in when I asked her if I could get to know her better, I hadn’t been talking about sex at all. The sex was good. Damn good, but I would have been content to hang out, talk, then do those ridiculous tequila shots which left my head pounding. That was a dumb idea I’d spend the rest of today paying for.

Monday was the start of a new job, another chapter in my life and I left it sadder not knowing if I would ever see Kia again. The groan I released sounded more beastly than human and I toyed with the idea of using my computer skills to track her down. It wouldn’t be too hard. I was sure her friends bought drinks before I showed up at the bar and if any of them used a credit card I could trace the receipt. Sure, because going all in stalker mode might impress her. Idiot.

I rolled out of bed because I had a full day of helping Andy with the computer issues for the bar and a supply order I couldn’t have Remi drag in all by herself. That girl was lucky if she was an even hundred pounds soaking wet.

I showered the cobwebs from my mind under hot water and changed into clean boxers, sweats, sneakers, and a t-shirt. The bar had what Andy called, a brunch hangover menu of light breakfast items and mimosas or Bloody Mary’s. He’d make this pub stay in business forever if he could and it made me proud. My little brother did good.

I opened the door heading downstairs not fully paying attention as red hair and softness came barreling into me. “David, Jesus!”

I grunted from the impact of our spritely mermaid looking barmaid. “Good morning, Remi.”

“Rough night?” She asked having to crane her neck up at me. I released her shoulders from my hold as she steadied herself. I didn’t miss the part accusing glare and the heat in her cheeks.

I rubbed hand over my head and face looking up at the ceiling before I could face her again. “Ah, I’m sorry. I had a guest over last night. I’ll be better about that.” I promised feeling like I just told her Santa Claus wasn’t real and that grown-ups made babies when they married and loved each other very, very much with special hugs.

Remington was the kind of innocent that made you question all your life choices and the last thing I wanted was to embarrass her or feel like I tarnished her in some way. Bad enough a certain friendly cop was interested along with an idiot football player who was older enough for me to kick his ass if he stepped out of line.

“She ran out of here earlier this morning when I was taking some trash out.” Remi stated, arms crossed, left foot tapping the floor.

I clutched her by the shoulders again and asked, “Wait, you saw her this morning? What time did she leave? How did she look? Where did she go?” I couldn’t stop the questions from peppering out of my mouth.

“Easy soldier.” She patted my chest and I let her go. “I saw her around six. She texted f

or a taxi. Seemed alright. Why? What did you do?” Her eyes narrowed and she sucker punched my heart the same way my mother did.

“Remington, I think I found the one.” The words shocked me coming out of my mouth. Never did I give in to romantic notions. I now knew I could track her down through the taxi service because we only had two in town. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Remi chuckled and tugged on my arm walking downstairs and into the back offices of the bar. “Well you’re either hungover or not drunk enough. Andy has the good stuff in his office. Come on.”

“Well, look at what the cat dragged in.” Andy snickered as he leafed through papers and receipts.

“And all night long, thank you very much.” Remi chided. Her face was full on fire matching her red hair, but there was no point in rehashing the details.

“I’m sorry.” I admonished myself under their wide eyed stares.

“No. This is good.” Andy waved and we backed out of the office following him to a table inside the bar. Remi didn’t have to work Sunday brunch today so I guided her to the table with us. Pedro brought us drinks and plates of breakfast appetizers.

“When do I get to formally meet the screamer?” Andy shoved a piece of bruschetta with eggs and bacon into his mouth chewing.

“Don’t call her that. It’s complicated.” I chuckled sipping carefully on the mimosa. I was still feeling the effects of last night and even my legs felt weak at the memory of my beautiful Supergirl rocking on top.

“It’s complicated because he doesn’t have her number.” Remi shared picking at a breakfast stuffed pretzel bite dipping it in a sausage gravy. Those were my favorite and maybe one of Andy’s more interesting pub menu creations. She sipped at her drink and I seriously wondered if she was old enough for the alcohol in the mimosa. Andy loved his stray cats and so far Remi was the longest resident of apartment 1A. I could find out, but I liked her enough to let her keep her secrets.

Andy barked a laugh. “Right. Take note, Remington. That’s like a direct challenge for this guy. He could have her background check in thirty minutes if he wanted.”

He was right, but that didn’t mean I wanted to breach her privacy. If Kia had left without leaving me a note, maybe I needed to heed that and see if I saw her again at the P&D. Letting fate work as opposed to my mad hacking skills would also be a nice change. Plus, I was definitely too drunk to get into this when I started my new IT administration job tomorrow over at the high school.

“Well it doesn’t matter. She left.” I shrugged wondering what I could take to settle my stomach. I could go for a run on the trail, but I was afraid of puking my brunch up.

“Are you broken hearted over it?” Remi sweetly asked popping a strawberry in her mouth. I noticed a few patrons fixated on her, including Evan and my body rumbled involuntarily with a growl. He must have been coming off nights as he sat down to eat.

“No, but considering my bed is over his, I’d say she broke something else.” Andy rolled his eyes.

“Dude, don’t be gross.” I punched my brother’s arm forcing him to shut up. I expected a comment like that from Damien not him.

“Just stating facts, bro.” Andy said.