“That’s it. I like it just like that. Tight around my dick carrying on like you can’t help it.”

I bit my lip to deny him out of spite, but David wasn’t having it. He grinned with wolfish delight making slick circles over my clit and between my lips where we join until I screamed like a banshee. He cupped the back of my head and pulled me in for a soul destroying kiss. His tongue licked deep like he was on a treasure hunt strangling my cries. His rumble made me come again despite my will to hold back and he grunted through my shudders as I sunk over his body out of breath.

David rung me out without a fuck to give. I’d held onto a long standing bet that I’d end up with one of my staid faculty members in a mutually satisfying relationship after tenure. But if this was anything to go by, then I could indulge my fantasy to the limits and have this man one more time shamelessly, torn stockings and all.

David was needy and relentless pinning me to the bed the second time, and on the third he had no qualm of tearing my stockings off at the thighs so he could feast on my lady parts like he missed the last few Thanksgivings. He revealed to me exactly how thankful he could be and then showed me mercy by tucking me under his arm as I dozed off to dream world both of us disheveled and half clothed.


I woke early out of habit and scanned the room in the predawn light. We’d gotten back to David’s place sometime around one and fell asleep sometime before three. My tummy rumbled and my legs protested at being stretched in varying degrees. His warm hand cupped my breasts barely filling them up. I’d always been slender and tall. David made me feel incredibly petite. His breath was even and slow, but heating up the back of my neck and I needed to leave sooner rather than later to avoid any awkwardness about the morning.

After rounds of amazing sex, we ended up doing shots of tequila for some ungodly reason playing twenty questions. None of which, I remembered. Definitely time to go.

I slipped out from under his arm listening to him snuffle in his sleep. Turning, I watched him for a full minute before delicately padding to the door backward in my booted feet. I didn’t see a pen or paper in his neat apartment so I went without leaving a note. What would I have said anyway? I made it without having to take off my princess slippers and revealing my secret. It wasn’t about protecting David or my sensibilities, but because I needed something unspoiled about this special evening.

With my focus on my job and getting my girls track team to sectionals I couldn’t do more than this. A new school year was always insanely busy and I was considered new faculty in my third year. Last night was wonderful exactly as it was and while I might regret walking away someday, I needed this for now. Besides, I knew he lived here.

I slipped out the door feeling a little reckless and thief-like as I let the door lock in place behind me. I rested my head against the frame for a second and then pulled up a local car app on my phone the college kids frequented. Luckily, a driver was two minutes out and I would be on my way.

I was almost to the landing when a door opened and tiny little red head peeked out startling us both.

“Oh heavens!” She shouted and I shushed her as I looked back at David’s door.

“You lost, darling?” She asked with a faint southern accent and I grimaced a smile.

“No, just on my way to a ride.”

“You uh, entertaining with one of the Easton’s?” She eyed me up and down and I didn’t quite appreciate the early morning side eye. Sore muscles and little sleep on an empty stomach did not present the best version of me.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. I’m leaving now.”

Her eyes narrowed and she huffed. “Don’t let the door split ya where the good lord made ya.” She shut her door with a loud thump probably aimed at waking David. I didn’t stay to find out as my phone beeped signaling the driver was here and waiting.

What a bizarre morning in my sleepy little town.



After the shit I’d seen on duty, sleep was hard to come by night after night. But a few beers, the wind on my bike, a good woman underneath me, and I was down for the count. No weird dreams, no auditory hallucinations of bombs going off and no worries about waking up shouting the building down. The last time that happened I terrified our barmaid Remington who came running up the stairs banging on the door until I answered in my boxers scaring a few years off her life.

Sure it was funny now. We joked about it, but it didn’t change the fact that it scared the shit out of me. That girl was the little sister we never had, and after Andy’s ex-girlfriend, it said a lot that I trusted Remington. I liked her as a person and felt protective of her.

The shots of tequila last night helped too.

Along with multiple orgasms.

So this morning when I woke up alone in a cold bed without a soft woman next to me, I admitted a strange disappointment. I had hoped my date would have let me buy her breakfast, mimosas at the bar, or drive her home. Instead she slinked out of my apartment all creepy like leaving me here to figure out what went wrong.

Had we not connected? Was it something I said? Did I really have dragon morning breath? I’d never know because she was gone.

Not even a note.

And believe me, I looked.

Scoured the apartment.

Part of me wondered if I even imagined her being here at all sitting down on my bed, picking at rumpled sheets. I sniffed my pillows inhaling, a light perfume, a little sweat, and a mix of caramel and tequila. If it wasn’t for the scrap of her shredded black stockings, I would have thought she was nothing more than a sexy figment of my imagination.