“That’s sweet Amber. I think she’d like to be remembered that way. Now don’t let Payne see you.” She sniffed as I patted her shoulder and headed toward the locker room. I crossed my fingers Dr. Payne didn’t see her break down as he seemed extra tough on Amber.

I was hid in my office working on the training plans for my cross country team until I taught second and third period gym. Volleyball and Basketball were offered this cohort and it gave me a chance to sit on the bleachers and direct the kids. Since these were freshmen and sophomores, they played well together and I didn’t have to chase too many girls out of the locker room due to hair and makeup emergencies. The boys sweated like little savages and by the time fourth period rolled around, I ate those two apples and my hangover was gone.

I ended up being one of the last to enter the staff meeting and took a seat in the back next to Amber. Colleagues chatted and we waited for Dr. Payne to make the introductions. I couldn’t tell much from the huddle up in the front of the room except that AP history guy liked sweater vests and bow ties. He’d get along great with the head of our science department. The other guy was huge. Massively so and kept his back to the room as he chatted with Dr. Payne.

“Alright let’s get these gentlemen settled since we have classes to teach. This is Byron McAdams and he’ll be responsible for the history department since Paulette retired. He’ll teach the AP courses specifically and has some good ideas on appropriate field trips and experiences for the senior class. He’ll also be leading the debate team and partnering with Jane Kowalski from the English department.”

Hands clapped and Byron shook a few from the front row. For some reason I could tell he would be a major stickler and give me a hard time with two of my senior girls on the cross country team who were enrolled in his class. I made a mental note to talk to Dr. Payne about getting the girls passes so they wouldn’t miss the bus to regionals coming up in the late fall.

“Now the moment all of you have been waiting for I’m sure.” A hush fell over the crowd and I even noticed Jane leaning over her table in the front row probably offering her amply endowed bosom up on a silver platter for Mr. IT guy already.

“This is David Easton, former military tech specialist and our new IT administrator. So all those missing emails and server problems we’ve been having will be a thing of the past. He’s already started upgrading our server and should have the school back on track in a few days as well as teaching a few course to our robotics team and kids looking for programming STEM electives.”

Amber nudged me, but it was unnecessary.

“Kiara.” She hissed excitedly.

“I know. I see.” Shock had set in.

“Isn’t this great? Now you don’t need his number.” She wiggled dropping several apples that rolled out of her basket and toward the front of the room.

I held back the whiny groan whimpering. “Yeah. Fantastic.” It would have better if the floor swallowed me whole, but I only had to confirm with the science teacher how that was impossible. New Paltz wasn’t known for sinkholes, unfortunately.

Well, this was awkward.

Our eyes met over the crowd of the room and I swore he smiled at me. The kind of smile that bordered on wow and I know what you did last summer. His eyes called me out like the hussy I was over the weekend and for all my feminist empowerment and sexual confidence I felt a blush rise in my face like an out of control wild fire.

It didn’t help that his suit pants accentuated his hips. Hips I fondly recalled thrusting and rolling against me with pornographic skill. It’s didn’t help that he covered his unicorn abs with an equally tight dress shirt, sleeves rolled up showing off a technical watch in brushed silver topped with a buttoned vest. Was this teacher porn? Would I find him later on a Tumblr site if I looked hard enough? Only on a Monday, and only on the first day of school.

He picked up one of Amber’s apples and rubbed it against his pants cleaning it off while he casually jammed one hand in his pocket. Straight white wolfish teeth bit into the juicy apple seducing me into a puddle. I had to get out of here. With each teasing bite of the apple I was warped further under his demonic spell. How could eating an apple be an erotic experience? Leave it to David Easton and my twisted mind.

Colleagues congratulate David and Bryon while I made a bee line out the door once we’re dismissed by Dr. Payne. I made my excuses claiming a meeting with a student and hustled to my domain of the building. Thank goodness the gym was on the opposite side of the building. I had fifth period as a free period and I needed a moment to catch my breath.

Maybe two.

Definitely two.

No sooner did I find solace in my tiny little office that smelled like humid socks and Herbal Essence shampoo than I found my computer pinging with an email.

Ms. Roberts,

I was wondering if you could meet with me to discuss the upgrades to your desktop system? My records show it is woefully out of date and in need of a complete overhaul. I am free periods sixth and seventh if either is convenient.


David Easton

New Paltz High School Systems Administrator.

Oh hell no he didn’t. Except he did, and now I was biting my nail debating my reply. Maybe they needed gym teachers in Siberia. I could coach their elite girls track team over frozen tundra and practice wind sprints from foxes and polar bears.

This was what you got for sneaking out after a hook up, visions of half eaten apples dancing in one’s head with laughing unicorns and eight packs of abs.



Kiara Roberts. Gorgeous. Legs for miles. A high school health and gym teacher at the same school I happened to be recently employed at. What were the odds? I’ll tell you what they were, at least a twenty percent chance we’d meet at a bar and a little more than thirty percent we’d meet in the workplace or through mutual friends. Compound those odds and there was a good chance I was losing my fucking mind.