“Uh, I’m bringing my boyfriend for an appointment. I didn’t know you were working at this Albany hospital.”

Chase and dad exchanged a look.

“Win, this is the only major hospital in Albany.”

“But I thought like New York City...” I trailed assuming wrong again. Of course New York had the potential for multiple hospitals. Albany was a fraction of the size and boast one main hospital branch servicing the entire area.

“Well, it’s good to meet you Chase.” Dad put out his hand and shook Chase’s in that professional I’m her dad and will kill you sort of way. The tension was thick but dissipated quickly between awkward acknowledgements.

“Dad could we have a minute before, um, you know.”

“Sure honey. Just come back to exam room three.” Dad went behind the door leaving us in the now empty waiting room.

“Well, I wonder if he’ll want to get lunch after.”

“Jesus, Winsome. He’s going to be…” Chase waved his hand around in the general direction of his manhood. I nodded and realized how far we’d truly sunk in a matter of seconds.

“So lunch is out this visit. I get it. Hella-weird.” I sung quietly.

Chase gritted. “I don’t want your dad looking at my dick.”

I shrugged wincing because really, what could we do about it at this point. “I don’t want my dad looking at your dick, but he is the best.”

Chase groaned and I don’t know who was more embarrassed by all of this. Meeting my dad. Meeting my dad as his doctor and knowing he was going to be looking at Chase’s junk thinking about it because he was my boyfriend. It was terrible and nerve wracking at best.

“Wait out here, please.” He clenched his fists and I really felt for him.

There wasn’t much I could do or say but leave it to me to keep shit real. “Sure, I’ll be holding your dignity, right here in my purse.”

Chase glanced over his shoulder shaking his head no. “Thanks, babe.” He shored up his shoulders and made his way past the door.

“I love you.” I whispered wincing as the door shut and Chase didn’t look back. “I should probably warn my mom.” I pulled out my cellphone glancing at the waiting room, glad I was alone.

Thirty agonizing minutes later Chase pops out from behind the door. I stand up like a hedgehog looking for its shadow.

“How is it? Is he okay? Did he pass the stone?” My mouth is going a million miles a minute and all I can think is that my father knows Chase nearly as intimately as I do.

“Deep breaths Winsome. Your young man is just fine. Next time I’ll buy him dinner.” Dad claps Chase on the back and I laugh awkwardly. Chase smiled tight and hugged me burying his face in my neck shaking. My face is pressed against his chest in a bear hug and I wonder if he’s trying to secretly smoother me. I realize he’s laughing and I pinch his side hard. He grunts letting me go.

“You two come visit me and plan to spend more time.”

“Thanks dad.” I let go of Chase to hug my dad and we leave the office holding hands.

I take Chase’s keys and lead him out. “So honestly how did it go?”

His face grits. “You heard your dad. Next time he’ll buy me dinner.”

“Oh.” Because really what more is there to say?

Chase merely holds up his hand and shuts his eyes in a slow blink. He kisses my hand he’s holding and continues to walk out to the car. At least he doesn’t look nearly as pained as he did when we walked inside. I guess we’re not talking about this. I probably shouldn’t have texted Kristen back…

I’m not sure either of us has gotten a full night’s rest since the stone attack and I didn’t even have pain meds. We were home maybe less than fifteen minutes when a knock sounded.

“Winnie?” Chase grumbled from his seat on the couch propped up resting.

“I don’t know?” I shrugged opening the door to find the girls pushing their way through with food and the guys following them in with a gaming system.

“Winnie.” This time Chase said it grunting and half burying his head in the couch. Hindsight was always twenty-twenty and I released having his group of close nit busybodies wasn’t the brightest idea I’d ever had.