I grumbled knowing he’d make me say it. “My p-pussy, you jerk.” Whit laughed out loud before squeezing me tight against him.

“I should hope not, but thanks for clarifying.”

“Ugh!” My eyes rolled as he wiped what I’m sure were tears of laughter from his own eyes.

“But maybe I should check just in case you have any other surprises down there? Piercings? Tattoos?” His head moved downward and I grabbed him to pull him back up.

“You better not be eyeing up my pussy.” It was hard to be serious when I thought about what he could have seen just a month prior. I thanked Heaven I remembered to grow out my thunderbolt trimming down below.

Whit stilled and looked me over thoughtfully before saying, “It’s strange, but I’d swear you have a thing against cats.”

“Personally no, but I dislike their judgy looking eyes and their desire to kill their owners when it suits them.”

“Not to be an asshole, but you’re kind of killing the mood here, sweetheart.” His chuckle sent a blush over my skin and a zing right down between my legs saturating me, and clamping them shut, squeezing his hand that was so delightfully stroking me a moment ago.

“Ah, well, I told you I’d put my mouth to good use later.” God, he felt so good working me over.

“Hmm.” Whit flipped us over and I found myself on my back, his knees slipped between my open legs.

Looking up, I saw his face over mine, boyishly handsome in his adult face. I blinked a few times, wondering how I got so lucky that it was him who saved me and said a little halleluiah. His hair was short, buzzed down and tingled against the pads of my fingertips. My eyes flitted to his lips, which he’d licked, and I gulped down dry air. “I don’t suppose you’d like to drive the point home anytime soon?”

“Am I boring you, Lia?” Smiling, Whit pressed deep against me and my groan was probably audible on the other side of the mountain with the jerk of his body into mine.

“N-not at all.” What could possibly be boring about more than six hard inches of all male anatomy pressed against me?


Nothing at all.

Chapter 8


She winked at me, running her smartass mouth. I wanted to drive a lot of things home right then, but having an attractive and willing female who was giving me as good as I was giving got me turned on. She was funny, self-deprecating and refreshing. I hadn’t thought that way about a woman in long time.

My forearms rested wide, holding me up over her so I could look down at her face. The firelight played tricks on my eyes, making hers glow and her hair sparked shades of red and deep purple in the refracted light. “I guess I better give you something good to brag about later.” She let her lip pop out from between her teeth, swollen from her bite and deliciously wet. I nudged her legs farther apart and let one hand caress down her body. She was still wearing her bra and panties, so I slipped my fingers inside the front to find her still wet. Silky fluid coated her lips, saturating the thin cotton, and my fingers spread it, generously coating her. She made me feel wild to the point of not wanting to be gentle with her.

“Oh, Whit.”

“Yeah, like that. All good stories should start with my name. I want you screaming it.” I let my body cover hers and she clutched my shoulders with her hands. Nails grazing my skin, her back arched and moved closer to me. My fingers continued to strum up and down over her clit. The nub puffed up and I pressed against it, listening to her keening into the dark cabin.

“Whit, more.”

“I want to make you come first.”

“If you don’t….”

“Yeah, yeah, dick punch, I got that, Lia. Every guy is typically one dick punch away when he leaves a girl hanging.” I pressed one finger to start and found her to be tight, giving me measurable resistance. I curled it upward, searching for the engorged spot of spongy tissue that was swollen, slick, and begging to be tapped gently inside her. I stroked, playfully drumming until I found a rhythm that had her panting and nearly pushing me away.

“Feels so good.” Her moan was sinful and made me think of other sinful things like how she might taste with my lips sucking her clit and lapping at her mound while the honey of her lips filled my mouth. I wondered if she was sweet like maple syrup on pancakes or tart like lemon sorbet. I wondered if she tasted different the second and third time she released, but sadly realized I’d probably never know beyond tonight. She had already decided this one a one-time thing and I would enjoy every second of what she was willing to give me.

“Good isn’t good enough.” I wanted this to last and I wanted her wobbling on her legs tomorrow morning when I brought her back to her friends and that prick football player. A sadistic part of me wanted him to know that I had her and he missed out. I pressed a second finger inside to stretch her out in slow pumps. Her tissues contracted, squeezing my fingers, and her cry told me she was hot for it, followed by a rush of her dew.

Her hands left my shoulders and grabbed the top of my boxers, pulling them down over my member, which bounced out against my stomach in salute, happily escaped from its confines.

“Remember…turnabout is fair play,” she whispered into my ear, biting the lobe, and squeezed my dick in her hand. The crown was sensitive as she ran a finger down the slit, spreading my pre-cum, and I felt her pump me between soft hands.

“God, I hope so because that, Lia, feels amazing.” I coaxed her to continue as I fingered her to climax. Her hand worked me over and I had to grab her wrist to stop her from jerking me to completion.