We’ve been back from Vegas for two weeks now and work has been busy getting ready for the third quester numbers. I’m filling spread sheets and organizing receipts for the dentist in town I do the books for when the door to my shoebox office opens up. I had been hoping my boss would consider expanding the office with all the business we do, but he doesn’t, so I’m left to figure everything out.

“Pebbles.” Demon sits down in the chair across from my desk that barely fits in the room. He’s come from the job but he’s relatively clean and smells like cinnamon sugar doughnuts I love from Carmen’s bakeshop.

My stomach grumbled and I held out my hand, “Hey, pay the troll would ya?”

Damien chuckled and produced a white paper pastry bag. “Yes, my wicked witch.” I open the bag and drag out the doughnut biting into it. It’s so good I could have a food orgasm right there. It’s tempting but my work office is the one place I’m picky about and won’t have sex in. Shocking, right?

I take a pen from the mess of my hair and chew on the end of it asking him, “Can I help you today?”

“Actually, I wanted to make an offer.”

“I’m not a call girl.” I tell him as I type out the balance for the next column.

He chuckles and rests his elbows on his knees. He looked way to good in is dark jeans and red flannel work shirt I’ve come to love. I know how soft it is and how long it rests against my thighs when I steal it from him to wear around his house. Red flannel to me is the equivalent of a grey tie and plenty of kinky fuckery.

“No, I can see you’re not, although, Vegas was fun.”

“Hmm.” I wondered where Damien was going with this. He looked a little nervous and I didn’t feel like teasing him all day when I was bogged down with a deadline of work to do.

Damien cleared his throat in a very uncharacteristic way. “Actually, I was wondering if you might come to work for Hart Construction.”

“Doing what? I nailed you already; I don’t have experience putting up the sheetrock.”

He reaches for my pen cup arranging the pens as he spoke, “Cute, Pebbles. We actually need an accountant.” He puts the cup back down seemingly please he made some kind of pen bouquet with my pens.

“Expanding the business?”

“Hunter and I discussed delegating some of the work so we can take on more jobs and estimate bids.”

“The books are easy; I don’t know why you need me.”

“Because Hunter hates math unless it involves building shit. Don’t ask him to keep the income and expense columns straight. Plus Taylor is bringing over the design part of the business so we have to change some tax liability thing.”

“You mean an LLC or an S-Corp?” I said still not sure how he thought I could help them.

“Yeah, whatever smart thing you just said. It’s an offer. Think about it.” Demon dropped an envelope on my desk exiting my office. The cream colored stationary bore the new Hart Construction logo on it designed by Taylo

r of course and as soon as the door shut leaving me alone I snatched it off my desk tearing it open.

The offer was substantial. More than what I made working here as my boss’ workhorse, but the question was why. A note followed the offer with a reservation at my old stomping grounds for waitressing. The Edelweiss Lodge outside of town.


Consider our offer and have dinner with us. Hunter and TJ will be there. I’ll pick you up at 7pm.

-Big D

He was insane if he thought I would call him anything other than Demon or Damien, but dinner I could do.

I hadn’t been to the Edelweiss Lodge in ages. Probably since I got fired from the German restaurant for sneaking too many sausages, hand rolled pretzels, and beer on my breaks. The food was fantastic and the service was great, well except for when I worked there because I wasn’t very good at taking orders and running food.



I think about one of the rare times I held Kristen in my arms and we weren’t at each other’s throat spitting like cats. She was looking exceptionally hot and we all met at the diner for dinner after movie group date thing I barely recalled getting dragged out too. Hunter and TJ were inside and I had to grab my hoodie sweatshirt from my truck because Kristen’s skin was peppering with goosebumps in the cool air. She’d deny it until death but I knew better and maybe I was trying to prove something. I purposefully baited her at the table and she followed me outside to tan my ass as I deserved. I pulled her outside and around the truck twirling her hard and cornering her. Our breaths heaved with angst and her breasts pushed up against her low cut top teasing with peach swells that showed the barest hint of her bra’s pink lace. She insulted my manhood and I grabbed her in retaliation to kiss her hard our eyes both bulging out in surprise as she fought me for two seconds before giving in and swaying into my arms. I let my tongue tease her mouth open and taste her sweetness. On a moan coming from both of us as I sneak a feel under her shirt to tweak her nipple when I hear Hunter yelling.

He’s frantic and trying to get his truck open. It’s Taylor, she’s turning a strange color and puffing out like a mini Jabba The Hut. Her voice is hoarse and her date seems out of his element as Hunter scrambles to get her inside yelling that she ate the gumbo with shellfish. Shit. We all knew Taylor was allergic but she didn’t carry an EpiPen so we were rushing her to the hospital. Kristen eyed my still semi-hard dick I couldn’t hide pushing me away going to her best friend’s side as I knew she would. I just didn’t expect her to blame me because she wasn’t there to make sure Taylor didn’t touch the soup she ordered.