“Funny way of showing it Pebbles.” I said still not mollified.

“Hey, stop it.” She slapped my chest bunching my t-shirt in her small fist.

“Getting rough are we?”

“You know what I like.” She’s right. I’ve always known and I flip her around lifting her up in my arms pinning her to the wall.

“My Pebbles needs something, doesn’t she?” I bite her neck sucking on the skin li

fting her up to rub against me.

“I need you. I always need you.” Her voice breaks on a shattered cry as I line up her center to my straining dick pressing her against the denim fabric.

“I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.” Our lips meet kissing and I take what she gives and I give her exactly what she needs in return. One hand finds purchase behind my neck, her nails scraping the back of my head and hair tugging none too gently. I like the sharp spark of pain. Her other arm rose up, the black ink of her tattoo wings surround me. Scrolls of lines that have meaning to both of us morph into a strange blanket of comfort in the moment.

My dark angel has finally come home to rest her weary body in my shelter.

I work my belt loose and get my jeans down half my legs. If I have to walk anywhere I’m liable to trip and fall trapped in cotton. Pumping against Kristen and the wall we both grunt and gasp with each touch of skin between us. I work my boxers down freeing my cock to rub it between her satin and lace clad pussy lips.

“I want these off you.” I tugged the fabric.

“No time.” She husked between kisses.

I rip the fabric and her legs bounce up closing the distance between us. My swollen rod pressed against her wet core inching the tip inside as I rock into her.

“I don’t have a condom.” I hadn’t planned on this and I regret not being a better Boy Scout.

“Don’t care.” Breathless she shifted her legs wider wrapped around me and I slipped inside another inch. Her walls clamped down squeezing me and my eyes threatened to roll back it felt so good having her.

“I’ll pull out.” I promised weakly. There a hundred good reasons why we shouldn’t be doing this.

Her head straitens to rest her forehead against mine when she spoke, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She bucked her hips lodging my dick down to the root inside her throwing her head back moaning. She wanted this as much as I did but I still wanted to protect her. Hate and love were a fine line and often the same passionate emotion.

I hold her and shuffle to the bed laying her down on the soft comforter. Joined in a way I never thought we would be together, I tell her, “I loved you since the seventh grade.”

“I know. I couldn’t get rid of you if I tried.” Our eyes searched for our shared truth finding it in the quite buzz of the hotel room in the city of sin. What a pair we made.

My hands brushed her wild dark hair back. The red ombre locks looked like an eerie pool under her head while the angel wings made me think I’d finally pinned a beautiful butterfly, I never wanted to let her go.

“I picked on you because it was the only surefire way to keep you from ignoring me.”

Kristen rolled her eyes, “Duh. Taylor’s mom told me as much. I wasn’t ready to listen.”

“You? Not listen?” I teased and we laughed kissing lips drinking each other in.

“No. I’m pretty bad at that, but I’d like to think I make up for it in other ways.”

“I might need you to show me.” I held her arms up over her head and roll my hips earning me a gasp as she bites her bottom lip.

“Challenge accepted, Demon Hart.” Kristen shifts and rolled her body taking me with her in some yoga self-defense move. I’m all about women’s liberation but even that move surprised. I end up on my back with a half vixen she-devil, half angel on her knees milking my dick. Whoever said heaven is a place on earth didn’t know Kristen Calloway. I would happily follow her to the dark side for a taste of this.


“If I had known you had this kind of stamina…” Kristen feeds me a grape from a tray of fruit and cheese we ordered an hour ago between bouts of reconnecting.

“I thought we had a nice truce going on here.”

She stuffed another grape in my mouth, the juice popping from my mouth.