“You could have. You’re stronger than you think, Brooke.” He popped the top on a soda can, handed the drink to her and then opened another for himself.

“You sound like Arabella.”

“Smart woman that cousin of yours.” He toasted the air with the can.

“She’s helped me a lot since I’ve moved back. I wish I could do the same for her.” She’d told him about Jasmine’s engagement.

“I’m an outsider so maybe I see things differently than you do, but this whole family feud business is out of hand. Why can’t you bury the hatchet and move on?”

“Because Cade’s side of the family won’t let us.” He didn’t understand, couldn’t know the history of bad blood. “They’ve pulled devious tricks, told lies, done everything they could to make our side of the family miserable for years. Long before my generation was born. Now with the inheritance…”

“The trouble has to end somewhere. Why not with this modern-day Romeo and Juliet?”

“Don’t romanticize this thing, Gabe,” she said, a little more sharply than she’d intended. “A wedding between Cade and Jasmine will be disastrous. No one wants it but them. Marriage won’t heal things. It will make them worse. Cade’s family will treat her like trash because she’s Arabella’s foster daughter. She’ll be miserable.”

Gabe raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, I give up. We’re here to have a good time. Let’s not talk about your cousins anymore.”

Brooke’s head of steam fizzled. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you that way, especially when you’re trying to be sensible about something that makes no sense at all. Forgive me?”

Gabe tilted his head, dark eyes twinkling. “I don’t know. I’m pretty badly wounded. You may have to kiss me and make me feel all better.”

“Blackmail.” Brooke moved closer. “I think I like it.”

“Me, too.” His face lowered to hers for a brief, sweet kiss that left them both smiling. She could get used to this, to kissing Gabe Wesson, to spending every day with him.

“Now that’s the way to end an argument.”

“We weren’t arguing.” Reluctant to move away, Brooke tapped his chest with one finger. “We were discussing.”

“I have discussions at work and I’ve never ended one of them with a kiss.”

Brooke burst into laughter. “Now that’s an image I don’t want to think about.”

“Me, either. We’ve had two tranquil days at the mine. No use messing it up by kissing the wrong person. You, however—” He leaned in for one more soft, sweet meld of lips.

Brooke closed her eyes and breathed him in, aware of sensation flowing through her. The rich scents of summer. The cold, sweet taste of cola. The warmth of a kiss and the strength of Gabe’s hands holding her close. She felt cared for. Protected. Loved?

When the kiss ended and she opened her eyes, the colors seemed sharper, brighter, crisper.

That’s what falling in love with Gabe had done for her. Her world had come into focus. Beauty was everywhere, even here in the hometown she’d once abandoned.

“Penny for your thoughts,” he said, smiling softly into her eyes.

She shook her head. No use ruining a perfect day with an unwanted declaration of love. “Just good thoughts. I love being here with you and the kids.”

“Yes, same here.” His smile turned serious and he studied her for several long seconds, long enough for Brooke to begin to wonder.

A child’s shrill laugh drew their attention and the moment was lost.

Still, Brooke wondered. She was sure that Gabe had feelings for her. But was love too much to hope for?

A slight breeze ruffled the aspens next to the gazebo and fluttered the paper napkins. Gabe plunked a banana on each one.

“About time to call the troops,” he said. “This old man is getting hungry.”

Brooke watched the two children racing around the park. “They play together really well.”

“Better than siblings.”

“Way better than I played with mine, that’s for sure.” Satisfied the table was set and the food ready, Brooke parked on the hard, concrete picnic bench. “Darlene seemed to have rallied today, but I can’t stop wondering what will happen. Macy has no one.”