“I’m sure it wasn’t Vincent. The man in the hood was tall and slender. But Vincent could have hired someone. Or it could have been any of the others on his side of the family. They all want Grandpa’s money.”

“True, but no one’s bothered me at all,” Arabella said. “Why would scare tactics be aimed only at you?”

“You sound like Gabe. He thinks a stalker followed me from college.”

Arabella blinked, the furrows between her eyebrows deepening. “Maybe he’s on to something. Things like that do happen, you know. Old boyfriends or guys who wanted to date you but couldn’t. What about your ex?”

Brooke shook her head. “I gave Marty’s name to the sheriff but I can’t see him as stalker. The answer rests with Vincent, I’m confident, but proving it is another thing.”

“Especially with Uncle Pauley as mayor.”


“Instead of improving relations, Grandpa George made everything worse with that will,” Arabella said. “Some days I just want to let them have it all.”

“Money can’t buy nice. I just wish Zach and Lucas and the others would hurry and come home. With them here, running me out of town becomes a moot point.”

“What if they don’t come? I have to admit I’m concerned they won’t. Not one of them has even hinted at a return since we talked at the funeral.”

“Zach says he’s trying. I talked to him last night before my unwanted visitor arrived.” Brooke’s blue eyes filled with concern. “Lucas is the cousin that worries me. No one has seen or heard from him in weeks. Meanwhile, Vincent and Marsha know if they succeed in scaring me away, it won’t matter who else comes back for the year. We all have to be here to inherit.”

“But you and I know something Vincent and Marsha don’t. You’re not the same scared little girl you used to be.”

“Sometimes I wonder. Last night terrified me, Arabella.”

Arabella squeezed her hand. “But you stayed. You didn’t run.”

“Thanks to Gabe and Jasmine.”

“Stop selling yourself short,” her cousin chided. “Look at how you’re helping that little girl of Darlene Perry’s and the way you took on the nanny job, even though you were scared.”

“I still am most of the time.”

“But you’re doing it. And loving the experience from what I’ve seen. Where is A.J. anyway?”

Brooke told her about the toddler’s visit with his grandmother. “We’re going up tonight to get him.”

“We? As in you and Gabe?” Arabella made a small humming noise. “What’s going on with the two of you? Don’t say nothing. I know better.”

“I’m A.J.’s caregiver—end of story.” After last night, the oft-repeated phrase didn’t feel true anymore. Apparently, Arabella thought the same.

“Oh, please. Give me a break. For days, every other word out of your mouth is Gabe this, Gabe that. There’s more going on between the two of you than a nanny–boss relationship.”

Brooke blew a lock of hair away from her face. “He kissed me last night. Or maybe I kissed him.”

Arabella arched her eyebrows. “You are getting brave.”

“I thought maybe he kissed me as a comfort thing after the scare, but—well, it wasn’t a brotherly kiss by anyone’s measure.”

“Oh, wow. Brooke, that’s wonderful.” She patted Brooke’s knee in excitement. “Well, come on. Tell me. How was it?”

“Beautiful. Tender. Passionate but restrained. No one has ever made me feel that special and protected.” Brooke touched her fingertips to her lips. “I think about him all the time. I want to be with him. When he leaves, the room feels empty. Am I going crazy?”

Arabella clapped her hands once and laughed. “You’re not crazy, honey. You’re in love.”

Brooke pressed a hand to each warm cheek. She’d felt nothing like this for Marty. Nothing. “Yes. Maybe. Is it possible? I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

“What about Gabe? Does he know? What did he say? This is just delicious news.”