She offered him a weak smile. “Thanks, Jerome.”

Awkwardly, he patted her shoulder. “You’re welcome. Now, clean that plate like a good girl and I’ll bring you one of Arabella’s cherry-cheese tarts—on me.”

Gerald’s jolly red face poked out the order window. “Better take him up on that, Brooke. Last time he sprung for dessert was 1972.”

Brooke pushed back from the counter. “That’s kind of you, Jerome, but I should go.”

God bless them, they were trying to cheer her up. But she had to get away before the tears came.

Jerome harrumphed. “Nonsense. You are not going to let Marsha Harris cheat you out of lunch and dessert. Kylie, bring Brooke a tart. Extra whipped cream.”

“Really, I can’t.”

Kylie did as she was told but slid the saucer onto the counter with eyes averted. “Sorry,” she whispered and then hurried off to wait on other customers. Marsha’s untimely appearance had taken the sunshine out of the waitress.

Brooke wondered again why a nice girl like Kylie would fall for a jerk like Vincent, but she didn’t ask. Jerome was a gossip of the first order. Even though he was kind enough to cheer her up with a cherry-cheese tart, he wouldn’t hesitate to tell everyone he knew about the unfortunate incident. Including the last bit about Brooke and Gabe.

Worst, Deanna still lingered over her meatloaf and mashed potatoes. The woman’s radar was always up and in the receiving mode.

“I hope you won’t repeat what Marsha said.”

Jerome’s eyes gleamed brightly. “Concerning you and the handsome Mr. Wesson?”

“I’m his nanny and his neighbor. That’s all.”

He patted the back of her hand. “Got it. Now eat that tart.”

The flow of conversation and noise in the café had begun again. Jerome disappeared around the counter and left her alone and not at all certain he would keep the incident quiet. If they’d heard, and they most assuredly had, she knew the rest of the establishment wouldn’t. The sound of Deanna’s boisterous voice made that a definite. Everyone in the beauty shop would have the word before dark.

Poor Gabe. He’d be horrified. A Christian man running a company and trying to win approval in a small town did not need rumors of an illicit affair with his son’s nanny.

Guilt crawled over her skin like a black widow spider. Why did Marsha have to drag a fine person like Gabe into their family squabbles?

Brooke’s hand shook as she cut into the dessert. Even the sweet, freshly whipped cream wasn’t enough to take the sour taste out of her mouth.

She felt the stares burning into her back, the hum of interest buzzing around the room. A voracious hunger for gossip fueled small towns. She and Gabe would be the latest hot topic.

With an apologetic glance toward the kitchen, she paid for the meal and left the diner.

Despite the rain that followed him over the mountains and forced him to drive with the top up on his 1966 Mustang, Gabe was feeling good. He’d had such a terrific day in Denver, he’d opted to leave the Hummer and show off a little in the Mustang. He’d visited family, bought an apartment building and scored four box seats to watch the Rockies trounce the Dodgers. Somehow he knew Brooke would enjoy the outside boxes right on top of the action more than Emmanuel Corporation’s high-rise suite. The outing would be great for Macy, too.

Ever since he’d agreed to play big brother to the ten year old, he’d been having fun coming up with ways to draw her out and get her laughing. Her shy smile appeared more often now that she’d gotten to know him better. Part of that he credited to Brooke. She made a terrific big sister for the little girl, instinctively knowing what Macy needed, just as she did with A.J.

Her statement that she didn’t want kids still perplexed him. Frankly, he didn’t buy it, and from her overreaction when A.J. bumped his head or got out of her sight, he wondered what had happened to make her so fearful.

Easing the slick classic car into his usual parking spot, he jumped out and trotted toward Brooke’s front porch without even stopping off at his own place. He couldn’t wait to tell her about his plans for tomorrow night. She was gonna love them.