That was probably true. He was gifted at getting his way and letting most people see only what he wanted them to see. She and the other Clayton kids knew the real Vincent.

She turned slightly in the seat, shielding A.J. who continued to play happily. If she ignored Vincent, maybe he’d go away. Please, God.

He reached a finger inside and touched her cheek. Brooke drew back, despising her reflexive cringe. Vincent noticed and his eyes gleamed. “You and I both know none of your side of the family wants to be here. You hate this place. You won’t stay. Before you know it, old Vincent will be a wealthy man.”

“Aren’t you getting way ahead of yourself? If we don’t inherit, your grandfather Samuel does. Not you.”

“All in the family, darlin’.” He bounced a cupped palm against the curve of the window. “Go home to Colorado Springs and paint your toenails, honey. You’re going to lose that money. Everything you have is ours anyway.”

She remembered the missing house key. Taking it, scaring her a little, was exactly the kind of thing he would do.

“Have you been near my house?”

His lips curved the slightest bit. “Now, honey, you know where I live. I drive past your house every day.”

Eyes narrowed, she asked, “Did you take my key?”

He cocked his head, amused. “Did little Brookey lose her house key? Tsk. Tsk. You should be more careful.”

“House key? How did you know I was talking about the house key?”

“Must be my ESP kicking in.” His white teeth gleamed. He tapped the side of his head. “Oh, and there it goes again. The little voices are saying, ‘Run Brookey. Go on back to the city, or you might end up in the creek, too.’”

A cold shudder moved down her spine. She opened her mouth, but no words came. Vincent’s words hurt more than they frightened, but they frightened all the same. Greed was a powerful motivator.

To her relief the door to the white trailer opened and Gabe stepped out into the sunshine.

Vincent followed the line of her gaze, saw Gabe and straightened. His demeanor changed with lightning speed as he nodded at the approaching man.

“Boss. Just saying hello to my favorite cousin.” The words were so saccharine sweet Brooke’s teeth ached from listening. Vincent had missed his calling. He should go to Hollywood and put his good looks and acting talent to good use.

If Gabe noticed the strain on Brooke’s face, he didn’t let on. “That’s right, you two are related. I hadn’t made the connection.”

“That we are. Used to play together as kids.” Right, although Vincent played rough. He was the jerk who’d pushed her out of the tree. “She’s been gone a long time. Off to college. Making her mark on the world just like her brother and sister. It’s a wonder she’s not rich and famous.”

Vincent couldn’t know how badly the remark cut. Or maybe he did. Vivienne and Zach had made their mark. Brooke didn’t even have a marker.

By now, A.J. had heard his father’s voice and crawled up to the window, arms out. “Daddy, hold you.”

When Gabe swung the boy up and out of the car, more of the tension eased from Brooke’s shoulders. She’d loved every minute of playing with A.J., but the responsibility weighed heavily. Gabe didn’t understand. She wasn’t the kind of woman people should trust their kids to.

Vincent chucked A.J. under the chin. When A.J. turned and hid his face in Gabe’s shoulder, Brooke smiled. Such a smart little boy.

Vincent shot her a sour look. With Gabe nearby Brooke was feeling brave. Her smile widened.

Her troublesome cousin turned his broad, muscled back to her.

“You look a little worried, Boss,” Vincent said. “Is everything all right?”

Gabe frowned and glanced toward the open shaft. “A little problem one of the engineers ran into. We’ve got it covered.” He opened the back door and placed A.J. in his car seat. “I’ll be back after lunch. Call me if anything comes up before then.”

“Will do. That’s what you pay me for.” His palm popped the top of the window again. “See you around, Brookey. Good luck finding your key.” He winked, then sauntered away.