Brooke. He saw his nanny every day and the time didn’t seem to be enough. His belly flip-flopped. The signs were all there. Attraction. Compatibility. Respect. Disaster.

Eyes dancing, Brooke thrust out a hand. “Give me that Frisbee. Let me show you how it’s done.”

He puffed out a breath. “You throw it, you chase it.”

“If you can’t take the heat, big boy, stay out of the kitchen.”

Gabe fisted one hand on his hip, eyes narrowed. “Is that a challenge?”

Her fisted hand mocked him. “Are you wimping out on us?”

“Give me that Frisbee.” He reached.

She yanked it back, lips twitching. “No, you don’t. I’m throwing. You’re the receivers. You, Macy and this little puppy right here.” She reached down to tickle A.J. under the chin. He threw his arms around her legs, nearly toppling her. She caught herself and him just in time. “Ready, A.J.? Chase Daddy and Macy.”

“We’re ready, too, aren’t we, Macy?” Gabe asked. “See if you can beat me to the catch.”

Macy pushed at her plastic glasses and offered him a shy smile. A sweet kid, she didn’t quite know what to do with a rowdy male and his son, but she seemed to enjoy their outings. He’d taken her for a snow cone the day of their first trip to the park, not that she needed the junk food as Brooke was quick to remind him, but the time together was a way to get better acquainted. Brooke and A.J. had gone along, naturally. It made no sense to take one without the other two, and having A.J. and Brooke along broke the ice with the little girl. Macy interacted well with A.J., was kind and gentle even when he’d spilled purple snow cone on her pink shoes. That alone had scored big points with Gabe.

He could tell Macy had spent about as much time with a man as she had in physical activity. Pretty much zero. He, however, had grown up with younger sisters.

“You’ll beat me,” she said.

“Only one way to find out.” He got down in a runner’s crouch. “Come on, A.J. We’re gonna race.”

Brooke held the flying disc high over her head, arm back in pitching formation. “On your mark.”

Macy squeaked but went to a crouch in imitation of Gabe. He winked at her, and her smile was radiant.

“Get set.”

A.J. saw the two of them in a racer’s stance and tried to do likewise. Macy giggled.


The trio streaked off, Gabe holding back to an easy lope. A.J.’s short legs churned the green grass. His arms pumped madly. Macy took the lead as Gabe jogged alongside his son.

“Run, little buddy. Beat Daddy.”

“Here it comes, you guys,” Brooke yelled.

Gabe glanced over his shoulder to see the Frisbee release from Brooke’s hands. Whistling overhead, the disc flew past him toward Macy.

“Macy, turn around!”

She whirled. Behind the plastic glasses, her blue eyes widened. In reflexive defense, both hands came up to protect her head. The Frisbee thumped against her palms and bounced to the grass.

A.J. rushed to catch up. “I get it.”

By now, Gabe was next to Macy. He bent to retrieve the plastic disc and handed it to the little girl. “Sorry, A.J., Macy got that one. Nice stop, Mace.”

“I almost caught it,” she breathed, eyes still wide with surprise.

“Sure did. Next time, close your fingers and the catch is yours.”

“I almost caught it. I never caught anything before.”

They fell in step and headed back toward Brooke, who came jogging toward them. The woman had more energy than a hive of honeybees. Dressed in white shorts and a hot pink T-shirt, blond hair flying around like wings, she hadn’t even broken a sweat. He, however, felt the dampness bleeding through his T-shirt.

He dropped a hand to Macy’s shoulder. “Do you play any sports at school?”

She shook her head. “I stink at sports.”

“Hey, cut that out. You’re talking about a friend of mine.”

She cocked her head and gave him a puzzled smile. “Oh.”

“You keep working out with Brooke and me, and you’ll be as fast as Brooke.”

“I want to look like Brooke.” Macy gazed adoringly toward the athletic blonde jogging toward them. “She’s so pretty.”