“Okay,” Gabe said. “I don’t know how much time I’ll have, but you’ve convinced me of the need.”

Reverend West pumped Gabe’s hand. “Whatever you can do. An hour a week, an afternoon, anything at all. The Lord will bless you.”

“I have some free time today. Maybe we could take Macy with A.J. to the park this afternoon and get acquainted. I’ll have to wrangle Brooke’s help, if that’s all right.”

“Funny you should say that. Darlene specifically asked about Brooke. She said she’d like for Macy to get to know you.” He shot a look toward the open church office door. Darlene sat at a reception desk, speaking into the telephone.

Brooke blinked in surprise. She barely knew the older woman. “She did?”

“Probably because you’re active and athletic. Macy’s too young not to be getting some fresh air and exercise every day.” Reverend patted his belly. “Can’t have her be a couch potato like the preacher.”

Macy was already out of shape. For a fitness buff like Brooke, the need to see the child moving around more started a buzz in the back of her brain. As long as Gabe was with them…

“He’s right, Brooke,” Gabe said. “You’d be a terrific influence on Macy. You told me yourself you’re bothered by the lack of fitness opportunities in Clayton.”

Brooke pinched her bottom lip, thinking. She’d also told him her impossible heart’s desire—to work with kids. Was that where he was headed with this line of thought? “I think you may be as good at persuading people as the pastor.”

“Got another idea for you, Brooke,” Reverend West said. “Let me run this past you. The church has talked about starting a rec program for our area youth, but we never had enough adult interest.”

“It’s a real need,” Gabe said. “I see kids roaming around town, doing nothing every day. They’re bored and we know what happens with bored kids.”

“Exactly. An outreach ministry of this type could touch lives in a powerful way.”

Brooke loved the idea. As a teenager, she’d wished for something more to do in this tiny community. What she didn’t love was the fact that Reverend West apparently wanted her in a leadership role. “What do you have in mind?”

“Whatever we can make work. Maybe a church sports team or exercise classes, something to draw kids’ interest and bring them in. I don’t know for sure. That’s why I need someone like you to put an idea together for us.”

“Me?” Her pulse kicked up.

“From what Arabella tells me, you’ve always been into sports. Didn’t you run a marathon recently?”

“Half-marathon.” Which had nearly done her in, but she’d finished. “I like to run and I play lots of sports and do some dance, but that doesn’t qualify me for something like this.”

“Sure it does. Interest is everything. You know what you enjoy, what’s required to stay fit, and you’re young and in great shape yourself. Kids respond to that. You’re the natural person to start a program.”

“I don’t know…” He was scaring her to pieces. No way could she take on the responsibility of a roomful of kids.

The pastor leveled his wide smile at her. “Pray about it?”

Not that her prayers did all that much good, but… “Well—okay, sure. I guess.”

“Great. You won’t be sorry.”

As she watched the pastor head toward the office to share the news with Darlene, Brooke hoped he was right.

Chapter Nine

Gabe figured he’d regret the time he wasn’t spending at the mine, but lately work didn’t seem as important. He hired good people. The mine had a manager and any number of experts. They could handle the day-to-day operations with the same efficiency his employees handled his other business enterprises around the state. He had a cell phone. If there was problem, they’d call him.

A.J.’s high-pitched squeal of laughter echoed across the town square, a pretty park area located right in the center of Clayton. Brooke’s laugh followed A.J.’s.

Gabe retrieved the Frisbee that Macy had thrown over his head and jogged back to the threesome. Twice this week he’d skipped work to hang out with Darlene Perry’s ten-year-old daughter. Anyway, she was the excuse he used. That A.J. and Brooke tagged along was only natural.