Darlene’s gaze pierced her. “I know.”

In Colorado Springs Brooke would have found the reply odd, but not in Clayton. Here, the Clayton kids were known by all, thanks to Grandpa George and his brother, but neither she nor her siblings had always been happy about the notoriety.

A.J. came toddling across the concrete floor in her direction, his face lit from within. Brooke’s happy meter rose. He was such a great little boy. She swung him into her arms, listening to the responding gurgle of laughter as he pressed his cheek to hers.

“You should volunteer for the church nursery,” Darlene said. “They always need help.”

“Me? No. Not interested.” Brooke was already shaking her head. Her insides shook, too. No way she’d put herself in that position. Taking care of A.J. was scary enough.

“Well, that’s too bad. Gabe’s little boy sure seems to like you.” The frail woman shifted, looked away and then back again. “I was wondering…” She paused for a deep breath. Before she could go on, Gabe rejoined them.

“You were about to say?” Brooke encouraged, curious.

Darlene’s thin lips pressed together. Her gaze slid to one side. “Excuse me. I think the phone is ringing.”

As she hurried off toward the church office, Gabe stared after her. “What was that all about?”

“I don’t know. She seemed kind of nervous about something, didn’t she?”

“Don’t tell me Darlene’s another relative of yours.”

“If you mean one of Uncle Samuel’s clan, no. I don’t really know her that well, but I think she may have been a friend of my Aunt Katrina.” Brooke bit her bottom lip, trying to remember something. “Anyway, she and Aunt Kat are about the same age. She lives in a pretty little house on the edge of town, but she’s always kind of stayed to herself. I don’t remember seeing her at church before.” But then, she’d been gone for a long time. A number of new people now attended the church her grandmother had built.

“Do you see that little girl over there? The one with the long, blond hair and glasses?” Gabe motioned to the older child she’d noticed earlier playing with the triplets. When Reverend West saw the direction of their gaze, he approached the girl and said something. The child looked up and smiled their way, then ducked her head shyly. After a pat to the child’s shoulder, the reverend started across the room toward Brooke and Gabe.

“Who is she?”

“Darlene’s daughter, Macy. Reverend West asked me to serve as a big brother of sorts.”

“Are you going to?”

“I’m considering it. From what I’m told, Darlene doesn’t have any relatives, and Macy is shy with people, especially men. I guess she’s never known her father.”

The stray memory niggled at Brooke’s brain again. She could almost hear her mother and Aunt Lisette discussing something about Darlene and her baby. What was it? “That’s nice of you. Kids, even girls, need a male role model.”

“That’s what the reverend here tells me. Better watch him, though. He’s pretty good at persuading.”

As beefy as a linebacker, face naturally jolly, the pastor clapped Gabe on the shoulder and picked up the conversation. “That I am. So, are you persuaded yet?” He glanced at his watch. “I’ve given you ten whole minutes to think about my idea.” He chuckled, letting the joke soak in. “You’d be doing a good thing, Gabe. Darlene’s had some health issues, and after working here all day, she doesn’t have the energy for anything extra.”

“Who cares for Macy while Darlene’s working?” Brooke asked.

“Oh, that’s one of the perks of working for the pastor.” He tapped his chest. “Soft touch, my wife says. Darlene brings Macy with her. Little thing isn’t a bit of trouble. She watches TV, reads or plays her video games.”

Brooke thought any day she couldn’t be outside or working out was wasted. “What does she do for exercise? Sitting around that much can’t be healthy.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” the pastor said. “That’s why I’m determined to find someone to get her out more. Not just her, but any of these kids who have single, working mothers. Darlene’s a special case because she’s my secretary but also because of her health. She isn’t physically up to extracurriculars.”