“What? Me kissing a girl one time?”

“No, you got to live with her during the four most formative years of our young adult lives.”

Right, because college was another time and space dimension and Kristen wasn’t over me leaving New Paltz. “You say it like she replaced you in my best friend treasure trove.”

“No, you saucy bitch. Besides, I doubt anal is your thing.” Kristen chuckled, and I laughed awkwardly letting her continue.

“You always go back to the butt, don’t you?” I didn’t know what I was into or not into, but as long as it involved Hunter I’d say it was fair game.

“Yeah, for a while there Demon and I could swear you two hooked up once in the past and maybe figured it wasn’t good or it didn’t have the right chemistry, but there’s always been something good about the two of you. Just right, you know.”

“Hmm.” Absorbing Kristen’s words, I gulped the rest of the drink down, thinking.

She slapped my knee. “You can’t leave me hanging like that. Was it any good?”

Each touch, kiss, and rock of Hunter’s body into mine vividly played out in my head. The thoughts left goosebumps and little shivers coursing through me.

“Better than good. It was magical. It was everything and more.” Our eyes met and we both burst out laughing.

“You are such a cheese ball. You definitely need to try anal next with that hunk of construction god man meat.”

I tossed a throw pillow at her, and she caught it, doubling over at my expense.

“Come on, you know I will be telling this story at your wedding.” She teased.

“You better not.” My threat fell on deaf ears because the hamster wheel was already spinning in Kristen’s head. I prayed she left out the whole prune shoot conversation when the time was right.

“Oh, I will, but it’ll be really awkward if you marry some other guy, just saying.”

“Ugh, you are such a bitch.” And the very best kind because I could call her my friend and the closest thing to a sister I would ever have.

“Only the best for you, love. Only the best. Oh, and if this is a regular thing with Hunter, you should probably wax the bush off now.”

Anal sex was still off the table as far as I was concerned. We tipped our mugs together, proceeding to get tipsy before noon and I convinced the hot mess to shower and join me at the Vodka and Wash for an afternoon of pampering that might have included a wax or two.



The truck idled as I backed into the drive-in movie theater parking spot. Fellow patrons were busy setting up their spots with hatchbacks flipped up and lawn chairs with blankets out for tonight’s double feature, an action flick followed by a romantic comedy.

“Can I at least get the popcorn?”

I looked over at Taylor Jane, who was wearing a flirty skirt and retro looking hair bow in her hair. We may have been decades from the sixties, but she would have fit in just fine with her fashion sense. She looked damn cute in my opinion. Cotton candy pink was a good color on her, but I didn’t mention it out of fear she’d want that for the bathroom upstairs near the master bedroom in the house. I was still rooting for teal.

“Only if I get to pick out the candy and soda.”

Rolling her eyes, we stood in line, waiting for the cashier to finish up with the guys in front of us.

“Yo, I want the snowcaps and extra butter on my popcorn.”

I didn’t care for their tone of voice or body language, so I pulled Taylor Jane back against me, wrapping my arms around her middle and resting my head on top of hers, keeping my eyes trained on the two jerks ahead of us.


“Shsssh. It’s all right.” Squeezing her quiet worked and we waited for the idiots to finish paying. They made a scene leaving, complaining about the old movie posters and the old man who was ushering folks to the proper lines set up by the food stand. The clerk was a kid barely legal looking with greasy hair and acne prone skin.

“Sorry about that. What can I get you?” he grumbled, and I didn’t blame him. I bet it would be hard to be polite after dealing with the two just here.