Page 7 of Inseparable

“So you live around here?” I asked. She nodded.

“Yep. Born and raised here. Well, the next town along, but close enough. I thought about getting into a college in LA or somewhere, but I didn’t think I could handle a long distance thing with my boyfriend,” She blushed, as if embarrassed that she’d worked her education around a guy.

“I’m the opposite, I couldn’t wait to get away,” I replied. Everything about home reminded me of Abby. Getting away had meant I could finally try and move on with people who didn’t know about my past.

The door finally unlocked, and, to my embarrassment, everyone hung back to let the cripple on the crutches through first. My face reddened as I hobbled through the double doors. Even the teacher smiled at me sympathetically. Great.

“Thanks,” I mumbled to everyone, my head down so I didn’t have to make eye contact with anyone.

I took a seat in the front so I didn’t have to try and master the st

airs. I could just imagine me, losing my balance and falling flat on my face. That would be a good look, and if it was going to happen to anyone, it would happen to me.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I looked up and saw Gem.

“Please,” I smiled, relieved. Having someone to talk to made me feel like I fitted in, and took my mind off everything. She sat down next to me, “So, what’s your major?” I asked.

“Human Resources,” She smiled, rolling her eyes, “My dad owns several large companies, and it’s kind of expected that I go work for him after college,” She made a face. I got the feeling that was the last thing Gem really wanted.

“My major is Psychology,” I smiled, “Which I’ve always wanted to do. I get the feeling working for your dad is not really your choice?” Gem laughed, her pretty face lighting up.

“It’s that obvious? No, well my love is art, specifically painting. I’ve been painting since I was like five, but apparently that’s not really a relevant or acceptable career choice…” She rolled her eyes, “Thank god my father has no control over my electives,” She joked.

I smiled. Gem was nice. Really nice. I’d only known her for twenty minutes, but we already felt like friends.

I glanced around. The lecture hall had filled up pretty fast, to the point where free seats were few and far between. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar mop of hair.

Shit. Fuckety fuck.

My heart raced as I looked at him, Dane, sitting in the back row. His head was down, as if he were asleep. I quickly turned around facing the front, then I turned around again, unable to resist another look. If I thought I could’ve gotten away with snapping a picture of him, I probably would have. My weird behavior caught Gem’s attention.

“Are you okay?” She asked, concerned. She glanced around, trying to figure out what had freaked me out. I forced a smile, debating whether to tell my new friend about Dane or not.

“Yeah, it’s just…well, I met this guy on Saturday when I was enrolling in classes, and he’s here. I’m really hoping he doesn’t see me,” I explained. Gem looked confused, not that I blamed her. “I may have been too busy staring at his ass to notice he had in fact stepped back…onto my foot,” I added, blushing.

Gems face lit up as she began to laugh, “Really? Oh, now you have to tell me who,” She squealed softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

In spite of myself, I smiled. I wasn’t sure why exactly, but I found myself wanting to tell her. Whether it was me feeling comfortable with her, or just me wanting to find out more about him, I didn’t know. Maybe it was a little bit of both.

“Dane Hansen,” I whispered, nervously awaiting her reaction.

“Dane Hansen?” She repeated, her voice far above the whisper I would have appreciated. Several students surrounding us stopped their conversations to stare at Gem. Her eyes grew wide.

“I’m so sorry,” She gasped, clapping her hand over her mouth, as she realized just how well her voice had carried through the hall. My face flamed as I stared straight ahead, too terrified to look around.

Surely her voice wouldn’t have carried that far, would it? There were a lot of rows between Dane and us. Slowly, I turned my head in his direction, convinced that he wouldn’t have heard her, but for some stupid reason I needed to check. What I wasn’t prepared for was to see his eyes firmly on me. Our eyes met, and he grinned.

Shit. I quickly turned back around to continue my minor breakdown.

“Okay, you can’t just say that and not elaborate,” Hissed Gem, her eyes begging me for more information. I turned to her, my eyebrow arched.

“Really?” I said sarcastically. I immediately felt bad. She looked really sorry.

She blushed, “Okay, so I wouldn’t blame you if you never spoke to me again. I’m so sorry. It’s just, I was shocked to hear his name,” She muttered, shaking her head.

“Why?” I asked curiously. My need for information outweighed my annoyance right now. What was with this guy that at the mention of his name everyone went into a spin?

“He has a lot of baggage,” Gem said, her eyes wide, “As in a lot.” She repeated.