Page 24 of Inseparable

“No, it’s okay. Bad dream,” I said, still thinking about Abby’s words.

“Do you still see her in your dreams?” She asked gently, reaching for my hand I smiled as she squeezed it. I’d told Kella, and like everyone else, she had assumed it was my mind’s way of coping. Though I’d never say, it frustrated me that she thought this. It made me feel like maybe I was crazy. At the same time though, it was impossible to put into words what the experience was like. If I couldn’t explain it, why should anyone else understand?

There was one person who had believed me the entire time. Anna. From the beginning, even when I’d been seeing Abby all the time, she believed me. Anna was the only one who didn’t think I was a crazy mess when mom admitted me to the psych ward for help.

“Sometimes,” I fibbed, “So, Fraser stayed the night, I noticed. At least he's learnt to put on clothes.” I raised my eyebrows, grinning. She smiled sheepishly.

“Yeah, he did. Sorry about, uh, last week too,” She grinned, blushing. I laughed and nudged her with my elbow.

“Well he certainly is well equipped,” I commented dryly. Kella burst out laughing, making me laugh too.

“What’s so funny?” Fraser appeared in the doorway, his suspicious gaze only fuelling our laughter further, “Oh, I get it. How about I put coffee on while you two talk or…whatever,” He grumbled, walking into the kitchen.

“Oh Kel-." I stopped as my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, “Hello?”

“Hey Lily, it’s Dane,” The sound of his silky smooth voice put a smile on my face. Kella rolled her eyes and went to join Fraser in the kitchen.

“Hi,” I smiled, “What happened to your cell? How are you? How did you sleep?” I cringed. Who was I, his grandmother?

“This is the landline, my cell is charging, and I slept well thanks,” He laughed, amused by my nervousness, “Really well, actually. I was wondering, do you have plans for today?”

“No,” The idea of spending the day with Dane was incredibly enticing, “What did you have in mind?” I asked curiously, knowing whatever it was, I’d be in. He could suggest we go swimming in cow dung and I’d be in.

“How’s your foot?” He asked.

“My foot?” I hadn’t been expecting that, “It’s better. Why?”

“Good. I will pick you up in half hour. Wear some comfy shoes,” He hung up before I could get any more information out of him. Comfy shoes? I was the queen of comfy shoes. Getting up, I walked into the kitchen to find Kella sitting on the bench, her robe undone, with Fraser all over her.

“Guys!” I whined. To their credit, they both looked embarrassed, and they both mumbled some sort of apology. “You’ll be glad to learn I’m going out for the day, so you’ll have this place to yourself for…whatever,” I screwed my nose up, not really wanting to think too hard about what I knew they’d be doing.

“Dane again? This is getting serious,” Kella whistled. Fraser’s eyes shot up in surprise.

“Dane Hansen?” He asked, shocked. He shook his head, “Wow, nobody has been able to get close to him since before he disappeared last year.” I eyed Fraser. I had been hearing that a lot.

Why was it the Dane I saw seemed to be a completely different person to the one everyone else knew?

I shrugged, “We get on so well. I wasn’t here last year, so I have no idea what to say,” I shrugged again, wishing I didn’t sound so defensive.

“Hey don’t get me wrong. I’ve always thought he was a great guy. And I’ve been the butt of so many rumors that I’ve learnt not to listen to them about anyone,” He rolled his eyes. I smiled at him.

Fraser was so much more level headed than I’d expected. I winked at Kella. She nodded, smiling, no words necessary. After so long as friends, she knew I approved.

“Have fun Lil. I’m glad you’re happy,” Kella smiled at me. I was happy. At least, until I had to think about Abby and her message.

For today at least, I was putting that out of my mind

Chapter Eleven

After a quick (for me) shower, I stood in front of my closet in my underwear trying to choose an outfit. I’d chosen my nice matching bra and panties (really my only matching set that wasn’t frayed or full of holes), which I was going to rename my ‘Date with Dane’ pair. The only time I wore them was on our dates. In the back of my mind, I knew there would come a time where I’d need a few more sets, and hopefully that would be sooner rather than later. Pulling on a pair of khaki shorts, and a singlet, I tied my hair back in a messy bun, threw on some eye shadow and lip gloss.

There. I was ready with five minutes to spare, a first for me. I slipped into my runners and went downstairs to wait.

“Don’t you look fresh and outdoorsy,” Kella said dryly, poking her tongue out at me as I made a face at her. “You look nice Lil. If he doesn’t try and get in those shorts he must be gay,” She added. I laughed at the image of Dane parading around in my little shorts.

“You’re such an idiot,” I giggled, kissing her on the cheek as Dane blasted the horn outside, “See you later,” I smiled, wiggling my eyebrows.

Sliding into the passenger seat beside Dane, my heart raced at the mere sight of him.