Page 21 of Breaking Noah

“Hi.” His arms tighten and his smile fades into a sly smirk. I slightly lean toward him and he matches my action. I feel his breath on my lips, his eyes casting down to watch as my tongue wets my bottom lip. I’m unable to pull away. I want to kiss him. Not just because it’s a part of my plan, but because I can’t think of anything else.

I wrap my arms around his neck and softly tug on his hair. His fingers tangle in my long, knotted-from-dancing locks and pull my face the rest of the way to his. The moment our lips meet, the tension turns to passion. The sound of our kiss fills the room. I make the mistake of moving off his lap to better situate myself, and that gives him all the time he needs to change his mind.

“I should get you home.”

“Really?” I mutter, trying to get back to his lap.

“Yeah. Grab your stuff.” He shifts me away from him and onto the cushion to his right. When he stands, he bends at the waist as if he’s trying to catch his breath and shuffles to the door, where he waits for me. Rolling my eyes, I slip on my shoes and grab my bag.

“All right, Mr. Bain. Please take me home.” I slip past him and into the hallway, where I don’t wait for him to catch up. I wait at the car for him to unlock the doors and climb in as soon as he presses the button.

Neither one of us talk on the short drive to my apartment. I’m not sure what I’m feeling, but it’s not the same tension as earlier. I’m pissed. I’ve never felt so rejected in my life. Sure, Dillon probably screws anything he can, but if I came on to him, he wouldn’t turn me down.

He pulls up outside my apartment and I’m disappointed to see the lights are on inside. I hold back a laugh. What was I expecting, Dillon to not be there? Did I think Noah was going to take me back to his home and have his way with me?

No. I’ve tried being subtle and it hasn’t worked. I have to make a decision: Either I play this slow and gain his trust or I work with what I know is there and build from it.

Lust. Desire.

The way his eyes roam over my body when he thinks I’m not looking. How his breathing speeds up when I step too close to him. And today, when I’d leaned over at his car window, he couldn’t keep his eyes off my breasts. I bite my lip. I have no doubt that he will be racing back home to fist his cock while he thinks about me.

“Thanks for looking after me, Noah. I appreciate it.”

As I say the words, I let my fingers slide up his thigh, over his jeans. His body tenses against my touch as my hand brushes over his very hard erection. I smirk at him and exit the car, not looking back as I strut up my driveway.

If that doesn’t get his attention, nothing will.

Chapter 10


Surely she didn’t just graze my dick. No. She did. Zara purposefully reached across the console and grazed her hand against my dick. Motherfucker. And I thought spying on her was going to be the most awkward morning-after moment. I should’ve never brought her back to my apartment.

I’ve opened a can of worms I’m not sure that I can close…or want to close.

The drive back to my apartment is quiet, but my subconscious is yelling at the highest volume possible. I know that even being alone with Zara is a violation of my duties as an educator, but I can’t help myself. I want to be with her. I enjoy her conversation and her outlook on life. It’s like she has it together more than most women my age, and that’s saying something.

Stepping inside, Gio meets me, arching his back and rubbing his side on my leg. Reaching down, I give him a few scratches behind the ear and move into the bedroom, where I find Shannon sitting on the edge of the bed. Didn’t she tell me she’d be staying the night in Chicago with her sister? Why is she back? Never mind, don’t ask that question. All it will do is seem like you didn’t want her here and start a never-ending fight. I’m just thankful that Zara and I left when we did. Another few minutes and we would have been caught red-handed making out on my sofa. Silver lining.

“How are the girls? Did you have a fun day?” I ask, not really wanting to engage in conversation, but if I don’t, I’ll probably be accused of not caring about her life. Which I don’t. But I can’t really voice that opinion, now, can I?

Shannon looks up at me, her brown eyes full of unshed tears. Concern sets in. I might not be in love with her the way I was when we were younger, but she’s still someone who’s very important to me and I never want to see her upset. Stepping closer, I’m nearly between her parted legs when I look down and see her holding a leather strap in her hands.

“I’m going to stay with Jennifer for a few days,” Shannon explains, raising the strap, which also brings a small leather bag into sight.

“Is something wrong? What is it, Shannon?” I ask, unsure of what else to say. I know things haven’t been perfect lately, but I never expected for her to want to leave, at least not without a discussion or something. There has to be more to this. Did she see me with Zara? Does she know that I was a few steps from damaging our relationship for good?

“She caught Jake cheating on her and she’s thinking about a divorce.” Shannon glances down at the bag, then back to me. Other than the moisture behind her lids, there’s no emotion on her face whatsoever. “I can’t believe he would do that to her. They started dating right around the same time we did. I thought he was a great man, but I guess I was wrong.”

“Just remember, things aren’t always as they seem. Go help your friend and get her through this. Be there for her. That’s all you can do. I’ll try to call Jake this weekend and see if I can get anything from him.”

“Hell, no, you’re not going to talk to that cheating bastard. He’s a fucking asshole who decided it was more important to fuck some college student than to take care of his wife. He’s fucking done with us. I’m going to help her pick up the pieces and then find an attorney that will take him for everything he has.” And we finally have an emotion: anger, and boy is she ready to fly off the handle.

I rack my brain trying to think of anything I can say or do to defuse the situation, but I’m coming up empty-handed. Shannon’s right. I’m putting myself in Jake’s shoes; even though I haven’t cheated on Shannon, I’m as close as ever. I’m a piece of shit just like he is.

“Okay, I won’t call him. I just want you to go into this levelheaded. Jennifer doesn’t need a lynch mob right now, she needs her best friend.”

“And Jake needs his ass kicked and maybe to be sent to prison. The girl was a junior in college. Twenty-one years old. That’s fucking pathetic. He has a real woman at home, but he’s out screwing around with little girls. That’s like you fucking one of your students.”