Page 43 of Breaking Noah

“Both.” I smile. “My boyfriend lives here, so it made sense to apply here.”

“Nice,” she says again. “Well, it was great meeting you….”

“Zara,” I supply. “Zara Hamilton.”

Her eyes widen, her gaze slipping to the floor. I have no idea what just happened, but this chick won’t even look at me. Even Mel is eyeing her sister like she’s lost the plot.

“What’s wrong?” Mel demands.

“Nothing,” Heather mumbles. She grabs Mel’s wrist and practically drags her off the seat. “I’m late for work is all. See you later, Zara. Nice meeting you.”

I watch, dumbfounded, as they walk off. What the hell was that all about? I’m positive that her weird change in behavior and hearing my surname isn’t a coincidence. She recognized my name, I’m sure of it. Which could mean only one thing. She had to have known Karly.

After work, I rush home, really needing a shower. The days that the diner hosts the weekly fish fry, I always end up smelling like the cargo area of a ship, and it’s fucking nasty. As soon as I bust through the front door, Dillon catches my eye. Sitting on the edge of the sofa, still wearing his shoes and coat, he stares me down, his glare unforgiving.

“So, what’s this I hear about you going on a date with Luke last week?” Great. Exactly what I didn’t want to happen. I have to find a way to cover this one up.

“It was nothing. We went out for dinner. He’s in one of my classes and I’m trying to catch up. Calm down, all right?”

“Hell, no. The kid’s running all around my frat talking about how he’s gonna fuck my girl. That she has the hots for him. So, Zars, do you wanna screw Luke? Is it true? You got a thing for football players now? Trading in your Greek for a jock?”

“Shut the fuck up. You’re fucking drunk.” I spin on my heel, trying to walk away and defuse the situation, but he’s quicker than I thought he would be. Grabbing my arm forcefully, he turns me back around and straight into his hard chest.

“You didn’t answer the question. Do. You. Want. To. Fuck. Luke?”

“No,” I spit out. Hell, no. Hand to God, I don’t want anything to do with that guy. The audacity of Dillon to question me, anyway. He’s screwing half of the campus, and if one stupid football player shows me the slightest bit of attention, he flies off the handle. Say hello to Captain Hyprocrite.

“I’ll tell you one time, Zars. I find out you’re fucking Luke or any other douche bag, I’ll ruin you. You’re not gonna make me look like a chump.”

“Aye-aye, Captain,” I mock, ripping my arm from his grip. “And I’ll tell you this. You lay another fucking hand on me, I’ll cut your dick off in your sleep, you cocky bastard.”

His eyes widen in fear, then they subtly fall to a glare, a smirk across his lips. “There’s my girl. I thought you checked out on me. Glad to have ya back, Zars.” What a sick, twisted fuck.

I walk to the bathroom, raising my sleeve to see the impression of his fingers across my biceps. It’s going to bruise, I already can tell. A few moments later, the front door opens and closes just as quickly. Thank you, Lord, he’s gone. Maybe he’ll stay out all night.

Then again, if he doesn’t, I don’t want to be in his crosshairs when he comes back even more drunk and out of control. Tossing a pair of sleep pants and a tank top into my purse, I leave a note on the counter that says I’m going to hang out at Mel’s tonight to start getting ready for finals just before Thanksgiving break. I lock up behind me and hop in my car. My destination isn’t going to be Mel’s.

I knock on the door, and Noah opens it. “Are you okay? You never texted me back. I figured you didn’t want to see me again,” he says, cracking the door wide enough for me to slink through.

“Yeah. I’m sorry. Had a fight with Dillon. Just needed to get out of there.” I continue walking into the living room when his hand comes down on my arm—the same one that Dillon hurt—and I wince.

“What the hell’s going on, Zara?” he asks, demanding answers.

“Nothing.” I try to pull away, but he’s rushing me to remove my coat. Once the leather hits the floor, he raises my sleeve and takes in a large breath.

“That motherfucker,” he hisses through his teeth. “He laid his hands on you? Did you call the police?”

“No. It’s no big deal. He accused m

e of fucking that football player, and when I tried to walk away, he grabbed me too hard. Really, I’m fine.” It makes me sick to keep coming up with excuses for him. Regardless if he meant it or not, Dillon abused me today. He touched me out of anger and it’s not right. I can’t detour from my mission just yet. When Ryan gets home…yeah. That’s all I have to say about that. I wouldn’t want to implicate my big brother or anything.

“You’re not going back there tonight, Zara. If I have my way, you’ll never go back to his apartment.” He’s serious. Dead fucking serious. I’ve never seen this protective look in his eyes before. Sure, he’s been jealous, but this is a new look for him. And it’s kind of hot.

“Didn’t plan on it. Figured I’d hang out here and see what you were up to.” I plop down on the couch and open my bag, showing off my pajamas. His resolve finally cracks and a smile starts to form. “See, I’m a big girl. I know how to handle myself.”

Noah and I order a pizza and spend another night watching TV and talking. It’s weird to not be having sex with him. I know I want to and I know he feels the same way, but it’s like we don’t have to do anything other than be together. And this is where my mind starts to play tricks on me. I know what I’m supposed to be doing. Sometimes, I just forget. Not that Karly’s dead, but that I shouldn’t be feeling this happy and free when I’m with Noah. I shouldn’t be wanting to do this forever.

I shouldn’t care for him.