Page 10 of The Playbook

Too late. Just as I near the door I hear her yell. “Jake Tanner, you get back here or I’ll drag you back by your you know what!”

I should stop and explain, but I don’t, because I have nothing. That damn article knows more about what happened last night than I do. Besides, I have a press conference I need to get ready for. I’ll deal with Mum later.

My head still pounds when I arrive at my new training ground with five minutes to spare. Early twice in the space of a week. What the hell has happened to me? I get out of my car and slam the door, ignoring the two idiots walking ahead who turn around to stare. I give them the finger and stalk past them.

Serj waits for me outside the building, his usual scowl in place.

“I don’t even know where to start,” he huffs.

“So don’t start at all?” I suggest with a wink. Bad move.

“For fuck’s sake, Jake, you’re determined to kill me, aren’t you? We’re going to deal with this, but right now I need you to park your arse in front of a room full of reporters and play nice with your new friends.”

“What’s wrong? Even bad publicity is still publicity, right?” Grinning, I slap him on the shoulder and walk with him into the building while he mumbles an incoherent response.

Once we’re inside, I’m quickly ushered into position next to my new captain, Murray Pennerson.

Murray and I don’t get along. It’s that simple. I don’t know much about him other than he has the kind of face that you just want to punch. I scowl at him from the corner of my eye and he returns my glare, his lip twisting into a snarl. Why’s he so pissed? I’m the one whose been uprooted from the top and dumped at the bottom. If anything, he should be grateful I’m at this stupid club and about to save their fucking season.

“Jake,” He says bluntly.

“Murray, nice to see you again,” I reply, not bothering to hide my sarcasm.

“Nice photo in the paper this morning. Glad to see people are figuring out what a knob you are.” A smug grin creeps onto his face.

“Yeah, your sister sure appreciated it while she was licking my balls this morning,” I quip, not missing a beat.

“You fucking—” He stops himself and curses under his breath, his dark eyes burning through me. I grin, enjoying that it’s still so easy to get under his skin. “You’re not worth it,” he hisses, more to himself than me. “You’re a useless, washed-up has-been who has to resort to public indecency—”

“You could only dream of that kind of publicity, Murray,” I cut in. “At least I’m worth reporting, which is more than I can say for you. How many people even know who you are? When was the last time you scored with a chick that isn’t related to you?” I ask. The anger in my voice gets more vicious with every breath.

“Wow, that hurt,” Murray laughs. “You think I give a shit what you think? You realize I’m the captain, right? Do you know what that means?” He puts his hand on my shoulder and grips it tightly.

“That you suck the coach’s dick every night?”

Murray laughs, clearly pissed off. “You really are stupid, aren’t you, Tanner? I make the decisions around here. Me and coach.” He leans closer, anger gleaming in his eyes as they lock onto mine. “I want you benched, then you’re benched. You’d better watch your back, Jake. You’ve got no friends here, remember that.”

“Fuck you, Murray,” I spit.

“Oh you’re the one who is going to get fucked.” He leans forward, his frame towering over me. I’m pretty solid, but next to him I feel like a scrawny kid.

“Only if it’s by your mother,” I retort, forgetting there are cameras pointed at the two of us. His fist comes out of nowhere and lands square on my cheek, sending me to the floor. Every camera in the place clicks frantically, capturing the whole incident.

“Murray! What the bloody hell are you doing?” Our coach, Karl, lunges forward, dragging him off me by the shirt.

“Why did you agree to let him come here? He’s going to ruin this club!” Murray screams at Karl.

“Murray, the locker room. Now! And don’t come back until you’v

e called down!”

Karl glares at Murray, his eyes daring him to disobey. Murray curses, then stalks off. As he reaches the door, he turns and turn back, before disappearing into the change rooms. Coach extends his hand to me, helping me to my feet. I stand up and straighten myself out, annoyed at myself for letting him bait me.

“Don’t you dare pull a stunt like that here again, Jake, or your benched for the season. Do you hear me?” The look in Karl’s eyes tells me he is serious. I should nod and shut the fuck up, but I can’t.

“He was the one baiting me,” I protest with a laugh. “What’s his fucking problem anyway?”

“My guess is he’s fed up with little arseholes like you who think they are invincible,” he responds, raising his eyebrows.