Page 8 of Rewriting History

“What do you think?” she says. The smile on her face gives away everything.

“There is a catch,” I add, avoiding her eyes.

She raises her eyebrows and waits for me to continue.

“You’re seventeen. I don’t want to sleep with you until you’re eighteen.”

“That’s less than a month away. Besides, sorry to be the one to tell you, but that ship has already sailed. Or have you forgotten?” she smirks.

Forgotten? There’s no way I could forget how being inside her felt.

“Jill,” I growl as she laughs. “Just go with me on this, okay?”

“Okay,” she agrees, her lips twitching into a smile. “What happens after your position is over?”

“I’ll find work around here.” I don’t add that it might be at her school. There’s no point in worrying her until I know for sure. I’m convinced things are going to work out so long as I’m not her actual teacher. “I’m not planning on going anywhere. There are tons of positions advertised at the moment. I’m qualified to teach both high school and college history.”

“I love the sound of that,” she grins.

I smile back. The more I think about it, the more I know that being with her is the right thing to do.

Whatever I need to do to make this work, I’ll do it.


Even though I’d been expecting it, the offer hits me hard. Galleu raises his eyebrows and lets out a hearty laugh.

“I have to tell you, shocked silence is not the usual reaction I hear after a job offer like this. You have any idea how many graduates would love to be in your position right now?” He shakes his head. “You owe your father a lot for this chance,” he adds.

“Thanks. I appreciate it and I won’t let you down, sir.”

He nods and turns back to his desk, indicating our little meeting is over. I thank him again and walk out, closing the door behind me. I’m torn. On one hand, I’m happy I have a job. My career is on its way. On the other, I hate the thought of owing my father anything. And then there is Jill. I grab my phone.

Me: Where are you? Meet me behind the sheds in five?

I don’t plan to make a habit of secret meetings on school grounds, but I want her to hear this from me and not somebody else.

Jill: Sure

I see her sitting in the sun, legs crossed, before she sees me. Even though the sun is out, the cool air is freezing on my face and seeing her makes me colder. God knows how she can sit there in that little skirt. My heart swells at the sight of her. Arms back, her face is tilted upwards and she’s smiling. She looks down and sees me, her smile widening.

“Jill, they’ve asked me to stay till the end of the year,” I blurt out before she can say anything. I sink to my knees in front of her.

“What?” she demands, her expression shocked.

“I can’t believe it. I never thought they’d ask,” I mumble. I feel guilty for not telling her yesterday that this might have been coming. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I was wrong. I have no fucking idea. I lace my hands behind my neck and sigh. “It’s Junior History, but still. You’re a student at this school…”

“So you want to end this?” Anger flashes through her eyes and my heart jumps. The last thing I want to do is hurt her.

“No. That’s the thing. I don’t think I can end it. I’m…” I shake my head and laugh. “What am I doing?” I mumble.

“What are you doing, Eli?” she asks, irritated. “I’m sorry, but you’re not even going to be my teacher. I know this place has rules, I know I’m a student and you’re a teacher, but dammit, I don’t care!”

“Jill, calm down. I never said I wanted to end this,” I sigh. “We’ll have to be extra careful.”

“Like not discussing our relationship on school grounds?” she suggests, an edge to her voice. I flush and glance around before straightening myself up. It’s late afternoon and school has dismissed for the day, but still—I should know better. I’m going to fuck this up if I’m not careful.

“Shit,” I mutter. “Good point. Can I call you later? You know, to speak to my girlfriend?”