Page 68 of Rewriting History

I open the first letter, from The University of California.

Congratulations, The University of California would like to offer you a place . . .

I show my parents and the three of us having big smiles on our faces. But deep down, I’m not that excited, given that Eli is here in Denver.

Opening the second envelope, I read, Welcome to New York University. We are delighted to offer a placement . . .

Another offer. This is amazing. I knew I was one of the top students to graduate, but I didn’t ever think I’d get into UCLA or NYU. I’m so fucking proud of myself. Grabbing the third envelope, I hug it to my chest and hope I’ve received the place I want. Ripping it open, my hands shake as I hold my breath.

All I read is The University of Colorado and accepted.

I throw my hands in the air, along with the letter, and scream. Jumping up and down, Mom and Dad both hug me and join in my little jumping routine.

Dad kisses my temple. “Jilly, we are so proud of you, girl. As much as we’d love you to stay here in Denver, you know we’ll support whichever college you choose.”

Tears well in my eyes as happiness overcomes me. “I’m staying. I was accepted into UC,” I ramble, tears in my eyes.

Mom breaks down and hugs me so tight my airways are cut off. “Go and tell Eli, honey,” she whispers in my ear before giving me a wink.

I race upstairs and launch myself at my phone, ripping it from the charger. The phone rings three times before it’s answered.

“Hello,” he says out of breath.

“Eli, I got into UCLA.” Complete silence meets me on the other end of the phone.

“And I got into NYU, too. Are you okay with a long-distance relationship?” I ask, trying my hardest not to laugh. I know it’s cruel of me to tease him like this, but I’m in a teasing mood. Plus it’s his fault for making me wait two days to see him again. Mature, I know.

Eli stays silent.

“We could Skype every night, and I could show you how I pleasure myself when I think about you,” I say. I feel a tingle just talking about it. I’ll have to do that one night, but it won’t be from another state.

“Congratulations, pretty girl,” he says, finally finding his voice. “If we need to do long distance for a while, then we will make it work. Besides, the thought of watching you pleasure yourself on Skype is pretty damn awesome.”

“Or I could just pleasure myself in the comfort of your bedroom every night with you standing right in front of me,” I say, biting my lip. “Because I was also accepted into UC.” I fall back on the bed, laughing hard.

“Oh, fucking hell, Jill . . . don’t scare me like that! You’re getting punished for that one, naughty girl.” He laughs. “And there will be no need to pleasure yourself, as I’m here to do that for you.”

“Can’t wait for my punishment,” I tease.


My hands sweat as I stand amongst the crowd of other graduates. The moment is so surreal and everyone is emotional. The hard work is done, and we’re all moving on to gr

eater things. Someone grabs my hand and I look behind me to see its Jamie’s fingers wrapped around mine. My eyes widen, but then I smile.

“Congrats, Jill.” He smiles at me.

“You too, Jamie. Thank you.” I grin back and squeeze his hand before letting go. “Which college did you get into?” I ask.

“Stanford. I’m following in Dad’s footsteps to become a surgeon.”

Wow, I didn’t realize Jamie did so well at school, given that he spent a lot of time messing around and told Eli to change his grade.

“Better keep your smart mouth to yourself. I’m sure there are seniors there I can pay to beat you up.” I wink at him, half serious. He chuckles but I see a hint of guilt in his expression.

Turning, I listen to Principle Galleu speaking. “Graduating the top of her class, it’s my pleasure to commence the graduation ceremony with Ms. Jill Wilson.”

Mom and Alice cheer from the attendee seats at the front of the stage