Page 57 of Rewriting History

She nuzzles in my arms, our bodies drenched in sweat as we both breathe heavily. Kissing her neck, I whisper in her ear how much she means to me. She smiles and turns her head, her soft lips meeting mine.

We fall asleep in that position. Sometime during the night she pulls the covers up over us and plants soft kisses on my cheek. I rouse, but quickly fall back to sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I sit in his living room, alone with my thoughts. I couldn’t handle school today, but Eli has still gone to work so things don’t look suspicious. He told me I’m welcome to stay here, but followed that up with I should go home and talk to my mom.

Mom called my phone incessantly the first day, and after that I turned it off. I told Eli I texted her, but I haven’t. She doesn’t deserve my pity, or get to know where I am. I’m eighteen—an adult. I don’t owe her anything. She should have stopped this before anything happened.

But I need to go home because I haven’t worn anything but Eli’s clothes. Not that I’m complaining. I love the smell of his musky-scented sweatshirt and track pants that hang off my slender frame. Turning my phone on, I see that I have twenty-four missed calls from Mom, five from Alice, and one from Sophia. My phone beeps with several messages and I wait as they all roll through.

Alice: Where are you?

Alice: Your mom keeps phoning me, asking for Eli’s number. Answer your phone.

Alice: For fuck’s sake, Jill . . . call me, I’m worried.

It didn’t occur to me that Mom would call Alice. I instantly feel bad. Shit, I’m the world’s worst friend.

Me: So sorry, hon, I’m okay. I’ve been staying with Eli. Found out some news and I needed to get away. I’ll call you soon xox.

I force myself to go back home and face Mom. No matter how angry I am, I know she deserves to know that I’m okay. The moment I open the front door, I can hear her crying on the phone.

“I don’t know where she is, Phil. She hasn’t been home for three days.” She hiccups.

As I walk into the kitchen where Mom’s sitting at the table, her phone to her ear, she looks up at me, her face flooding with relief.

“God, she’s home,” she sobs. Dropping the phone, she runs over to me and hugs me.

I stand there and make no attempt to hug her back. Why should I? She’s betrayed everything I believe in.

“Oh Jilly, please don’t ever do that to me again. Where the hell have you been?” she cries.

I don’t answer. Instead I take a step back and look at her. She looks tired, like she hasn’t slept in days. Her clothes are worn and she’s not wearing makeup—which is rare for her

. It’s hurting me seeing my mom like this, but she’s brought it all on herself. Is this how Eli felt about his father?

“I need to know why.” I shake my head because I don’t understand.

This is my father we’re talking about: the most devoted and loving person I know. Everything he does is for us. This is going to break him. I sit down opposite Mom and wait for her to speak.

“Sweetie, I want you to know that I never meant to hurt anybody,” she whispers, studying her half-empty cup of tea.

My body stills as my anger begins to boil. Calm down. You promised Eli you would listen to her.

“I was needing some emotional support with your dad being away for so long. You need to understand, Jill, it’s hard for me to be here alone and your dad overseas most of the year,” she says softly, studying my face before continuing.

“Steve is Jamie’s dad. He’s a surgeon at the hospital, and we sort of clicked. It started with coffee and someone to talk to, and over the months our attraction for each other—”

“Have you told Dad?” I interrupt.

“Yes, I have told your father. He’s on his way home now.”

I wish it were under better circumstances that Dad was coming home, but I’m so glad I get to see him after so many months away.

“Mom, I’m struggling to understand at the moment. I love you, but I need some space. I need to get my head straight or I’ll end up saying something I regret.”