Page 6 of Rewriting History

Eli: Come to my office now.


Chapter Three


I jump as I hear the knock on my door.

“Come in,” I mutter, holding the door open as she squeezes past me. I inhale sharply as her body presses against mine. I lock the door, the clicking sound of the latch making my heart jump. I haven’t been this close to her, alone, in so long.

She glances around my office. I watch her closely, as if I’m trying to memorize every little thing about her. While she’s distracted by the collection of books on my bookshelf, I move toward my desk, slumping into my seat. She turns around and her eyes meet mine. There is so much I want to say to her, but everything is inappropriate given our circumstances.

“Who knows?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Jamie. I think,” she mumbles, brushing away a loose strand of hair from her eyes. “He lives next-door to me and made some comment about forbidden relationships.” She stares down at her hands, which are clasped tightly in front of her.

I breathe out. This is bad. I’m angry at myself for putting her in this situation and I’m pissed at her for not understanding how fucked up this whole thing is.

“What exactly did he say?” I press.

“What would you do if you happened to know someone is screwing someone they shouldn’t be?” she laments, her voice flat.

“Fuck,” I growl, my eyes narrowing. “How could you not tell me a student lives next door to you? For god’s sake, Jill, are you dense?”

“Hey,” she retorts. “Excuse me for not knowing you were coming over to fuck me.” The words fly out with venom as she glares at me.

I feel my face heat, because she’s right: I’m the adult. She’s a fucking child. This is a hundred percent my fault, not hers.

I stand up, the sudden need to comfort her overwhelming. She looks up, watching me as I move toward her. My gaze lock on hers and I’m lost in the deep emerald green hue of her eyes. Then I’m touching her. It’s like I have no control over my body. My conscience vanishes, and for a brief moment it’s like it was before—just her and me.

She sighs as my fingers caress the side of her face, her eyes closing as she melts into my touch.

“God, Jill, I can’t get you out of my head. You are everywhere I look. I miss your smart mouth, our daily conversations. I miss your sweet taste.” My voice is hoarse, almost unrecognizable.

She blushes, her eyes casting downwards at the mention of her taste. I smirk, wondering where her mind went just then. Is she thinking the same dirty thoughts I am?

I pull her toward me, our lips connecting in a soft, lingering kiss. The feel of her mouth against mine is electric. I kiss her again, tasting her as our mouths press against each other.

A knock sounds at the door, interrupting the moment. Her eyes widen as she stares at me as if frozen with fear. I point to the chair and tell her to sit while I straighten my shirt and jacket. I move toward the door, running my hand through my hair as I try to relax. Nobody knows, I try and tell myself. But that’s a lie. The whole reason she’s in my office right now is because somebody might know. How can I be so fucking stupid?

I open the door and see Dad. Relief washes through me. He’s the one person who, if he did find out, would be in no position to judge me. He looks past me, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Jill.

“Ms. Wilson, what a pleasant surprise to see you here,” he says. “You’re not in trouble again are you?” He narrows his eyes at her.

“No, not at all,” I reply with a stiff laugh. “No, Ms. Wilson came to ask if she could borrow a book, but unfortunately I don’t have it with me.”

“That’s okay, I’ll try the local library.” She smiles and walks out, closing the door behind her.

Dad raises his eyebrows and sits down. “Do you always lock the door when you’re alone with a student?” he asks.

My face heats up and I have to bite back my annoyance. “Just because you can’t be trusted to be alone with your students doesn’t mean the same applies for everyone,” I reply, my voice cold. “I must’ve knocked it when it closed. Now, is there a reason you’re here, or is it just to annoy me?”

He stares at me for a moment but then shakes his head. “I wanted to give you the heads-up. Principal Galleu mentioned he was in need of a Junior History teacher for next semester, so I put forward your name.”

“You what?” I snap.

He looks surprised by my reaction, which I find hilarious considering I always react the same when he tries to meddle in my life.