Page 45 of Rewriting History

“I’m going to come soon,” I breathe heavily as my eyes start to close.

“Keep your eyes on me, Jill.”

The intensity is overpowering and the enormity of our love is overwhelming. A single tear rolls down the side of my face.

Eli quickens the pace and suddenly stills, shooting inside me as an intense orgasm wracks my frame. We lay there, tightly hugging, neither of us willing to let go of the present


We’re wrapped in a sheet, lying on our sides, facing each other.

“I’m going to another party tomorrow night.” I watch his reaction.

“I thought you said you don’t like parties,” he replies. Though he’s smiling, I can see the anxiety in his eyes. Anyone would think he doesn’t want me to go.

“I don’t. But Sophia likes a guy, and being the good friend that I am, I said I’d go. I’ll probably only have one drink,” I add. “Besides, last week you were ready to leave me to be a teenager.”

“I just don’t want any other guys touching you,” he grumbles. “Especially drunk guys who don’t know that you’re taken. Call me if you need anything, okay? Anything at all—it doesn’t matter what time it is.”

This is the first time I’ve had a male figure—other than my Dad—truly worry about me. I love the feeling of being protected.

“Okay, I’ll call you if I need anything.” I offer him a small smile. “Really, you don’t know what that means to me, knowing that you care so much.”


I hear the car pull up and race outside, knowing that it’s Alice. We haven’t seen each other in months and I can’t put into words how excited I am for this weekend.

“Jillybean!” she shrieks, jumping out of the car. I laugh as she nearly flattens me in a hug, her long, straight blond hair flying everywhere.

She’s carrying a bottle of champagne and her full beauty kit. The girl has more makeup and nail polish than all the salons in New York put together.

Grabbing wine glasses out of the cupboard, I can’t keep the smile off my face. Back when I lived in New York, Alice and I would spend every day together. Whether it was studying, or lunch, or on the weekend—we were inseparable.

The champagne being opened causes a loud pop and the cork flies across the room, hitting the wall with a thud. We stand there in silence for a few seconds and then both piss ourselves laughing.

Alice throws her arms around me. “God, I’ve missed you.”

We turn around as footsteps thud down the stairs. “What was that noise?” Mom’s voice comes from around the corner.

Mom walks into the kitchen and when Alice appears in her line of sight, she says, “Oh, look out. Trouble’s here.” She smirks.

“Mrs. Wilson.”

Alice and Mom clash for a tight hug. I hear Alice sniffle, and it’s no surprise she’s getting emotional. She was put through the system growing up and it’s only been in the last year that she’s found a decent family. But they sent her to boarding school since she was classified a ‘troublemaker.’ Anyone could see the girl only wants attention. Mom tried to adopt her, but the lengthy process, Dad being away so often, and the fact that we moved states didn’t bode well with the agency.

Mom smooths Alice’s hair and kisses the top of her head.

“Only five more months, Alley-Cat, then you’re free to come here,” she whispers.

I smile at the thought. Wouldn’t my life be complete then? It would be an array of drama, with her and Sophia, but in a good way.

The three of us spend the afternoon out back in the sun, talking and catching up. Denver in February is still very cool, so we’re covered in blankets and drinking hot cocoa. It’s so good just being able to relax and have fun with my best friend. It really makes me realize just how much I’ve missed her.

Mom turns to Alice. “So, any boyfriend in the picture?”

“Oh, you know me. There’s a new one every week when I get a chance to sneak out.” She winks at Mom, who’s shaking her head.

“Well, Jill needs a boyfriend,” Mom announces, nudging Alice. “Don’t you think?”