Page 43 of Rewriting History

“Hey Jill, you sure you wanna do that? You look like you’ve packed on a few pounds. You’re not pregnant, are you?” Jamie yells from behind me. Students laugh and I lift my finger and flip him the bird, pretending his words don’t get to me.

Fucking asshole.

Out of nowhere, a female voice yells back, “Jamie, tu es completement débile. Remember the time you tried to fuck me but couldn’t get it up? If she is pregnant, I think we could all be pretty confident the baby isn’t yours, no?”

His dark eyes narrow on her, then me, before he stalks off, flinging his whole tray into the bin. Sophia slides into the seat next to me. I stare at her, shocked that such venom came from her, and I’m wondering if what she said about them hooking up is true. My mouth must be hanging open, because she rolls her eyes and laughs.

“Jill, close your mouth. You will catch the flies,” she says slowly, her accent thick.

I turn to face her, still in shock. “What did you call him?” I giggle.

“A moron.” She waves her hand.

“Thank you for sticking up for me. I usually just ignore him.”

“Don’t ignore him—stand up to him. He’s not worth your time.”

“What happened?” I ask curiously. “Did you really—”

“Gosh no, give me some credit.” She laughs. “Even I have standards, yes?” She shrugs dismissively, but I can tell she’s holding back on something—especially from the way Jamie stormed off. “His whole family is not nice people, but he can’t treat you like that.”

I would love to stand up to him, but I don’t know what he knows about me and Eli.

It’s unnerving and I don’t want to ruin our chance of being together, let alone anyone’s career. But then I think, this is Jamie. If he did know something, surely he’d have used that to his advantage by now.

“Do you want to come to a party on Saturday night? I was invited by this boy that I quite like.” Sophia breaks off part of my muffin and puts it in her mouth.

“I would, but my best friend is here for the weekend and we’re spending Saturday night together,” I say, glad I can use Alice as an excuse. I’m not really the party kind of girl—especially after last time.

“Well, bring her along. We all like to party, yes?” God, I love her accent. Her big blue eyes grow wide as she smiles, waiting for me to answer.

I sigh, because I can tell she really wants me to go and I hate the thought of letting her down. “Sure, why not?” I give in. “I’ll run it past Alice.”

I already know for a fact that Alice will be up for a party. She is the queen of having fun. I’ll probably spend most of the night alone once Alice sets her eyes on some guy to screw her senseless—she’s been especially horny since starting at boarding school.


We sit on the grassy area above the bleachers, watching a group of seniors play football. Eli is out there too, and for once I can watch him without worrying that someone is going to notice.

Sophia shakes her head and laughs. “Just tell him you want to talk. I’m sorry, but you’re both acting like little children.”

I know she’s right, but the problem is we are both stubborn. I look up and see him staring at me. I look away, focusing back on tearing little blades of grass out from the ground beneath me. I hate fighting with him, but I can’t handle this on-again, off-again bullshit. Either he’s with me or he isn’t. It’s that simple.

Five minutes later, my phone buzzes. I look up and see that Eli has gone from the field.

Eli: I want to see you tonight. I miss you. I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t want us to be over; I just need to be careful.

Me: I don’t like fighting either, but I’m not someone that is going to follow you around like a dog and jump on your lap when it suits you. You can’t train me.

Eli: That’s not what you are. Is your Mom working? I’ll come around. I just need to go and see Dad first.

Jamie pops into my head and I cringe. After Sophia stood up for me, I’m sure he’ll be out for my blood. I can’t risk Eli coming to mine.

Me: No, text me when you’re home and I’ll come to you.

Eli: Okay. Also—I fucking hate the way other guys stare at you. The way you were lying on the grass with your friend . . . it took everything for me not to come over and devour you.

I grin, because I love hearing that he’s as jealous as I am.