Page 30 of Rewriting History

Yawning, I push back the covers and sit up, covering myself with a sheet when I realize Eli is at the door, accepting room service. I blush as the bellboy nods at me, his eyes darting downward as soon as he pushes the cart into the room. Eli slips him a bill and locks the door.

I watch as Eli pushes the cart over to me, his pajama pants hanging low on his hips and his normally styled hair all messed. He is so fucking hot.

Fuck the food. I want him for breakfast.

“Sleep well?” he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. I nod as he leans over and kisses me. “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I ordered a little bit of everything.”

Stopping in front of me, he takes a tray from the cart and places it on my lap. He’s ordered my favorite, granola and fruit, along with bacon, eggs, pancakes, hash browns and piping hot coffee. I point to the granola and he removes the rest of the food.

“You’re the best.” I grin, pouring some yogurt into my bowl.

“Yeah. All the girls say I’m a total catch.” He ducks as I throw a pillow at him.


After breakfast and a long, hot shower, we go into downtown LA to have lunch. Eli has never been to this part of LA before so we take our time, exploring. I could spend the rest of my life taking my time with him.

Except for when he’s going down on me. Then I’m happy for him rush.

We arrive back at the room and instead of getting room service from the restaurant on-site, we opt for pizza and play the deck of cards he brought with him.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” I yell, reaching over to whack his arm. “You can’t look at your card before turning it over. That’s cheating.” I fold my arms, pretending to be pissed.

“I did not. You’re just pissed because I won. Again.” He smirks. “Come on. Another piece of clothing off.”

I glower at him. What a load of shit. He’s sitting there, fully clothed—and he only has three items to remove. I’ve been able to take off my rings, earrings, and I’m still down to my underwear. He doesn’t play fair.

And I’m sure he’s trying to get me drunk, judging by the amount of wine he’s been feeding me.

“You’re not being a very responsible adult,” I tease as he refills my glass again.

He narrows his eyes at me and laughs. “Oh, I see. Now you’re trying to guilt me into taking pity on you?” He shakes his head sadly. “I thought you were better than that.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t cheat.” I laugh. I throw my cards at him and cross my arms. “New game. You’re going to see me naked anyway, right? Let’s play truth. Not truth or dare, just truth. I ask a question and if you don’t want to answer, you do a shot.”

“A shot of wine?” He eyes me as if I’m insane.

“Unless you have something stronger,” I tease.

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. You can barely handle this. All right, I’ll play your little game. I’ll start. Favorite movie?”

“Anchorman. Favorite food?” I respond.

“Indian. Best childhood memory?” Eli says.

“Christmas, 2007. It was the last time Dad was home for Holidays. Why were you single when we started talking?” I ask, looking hi

m straight in the eye.

He pauses for a minute to think about the sudden question. “Because I hadn’t met anyone that I was attracted to. Sure, I’ve had one-night stands, but no attachment that I wanted to take further.” He shrugs. I decide he’s telling the truth. “Favorite teacher?” He chuckles.

“Mr. Anderson, without a doubt.” He smiles, then I add, “Your dad, that is.”

His smile disappears, and I giggle. I decide this is as good an opportunity as any to ask him about his dad.

“So what is going on with your father? He’ll be back teaching soon, right?”

He glances at me and sighs. Something is wrong. I’m not sure what, but I have a feeling I’m not going to like it and that it’s the same thing that’s been bothering him since we got on the plane.