Page 27 of Rewriting History

“Get off your phone, la pépée, and come dance with me.” Sophia slurs from the middle of the floor, her hands creeping under her top, exposing her creamy white skin. I’m pretty tipsy, but compared to her I’m a freaking nun.

“Give me a second and I’ll be right there,” I giggle, quickly sending Eli a text.

“Is that your man?” she yells, trying to grab the phone from me. “Tell him you want to suck on that beautiful la bitte while fondling his balls,” she yells, and I laugh. I’m beginning to see some pretty serious similarities between her and Alice—especially when drunk. I can’t wait for them to meet.

“What’s a la bitte?” I ask, giggling. I’m pretty sure I know.

“Penis,” she laughs, blowing me a kiss.

God, if only she knew the beautiful la bitte she’s referring to is our teacher’s.

Sophia and I win several rounds of pool against the guys while the rest of the girls continue to give us the stink-eye. I’m sure it was because Sophia kept leaning over and showing a bit of boob every time they went to hit their ball. I haven’t had this much fun at a party in ages, but at the same time, I feel bad for having fun without Eli.

A cab drops us back at my place in the early hours of the morning where I convince Sophia to stay over. Mainly because the driver looks like a creep and the way he kept eyeing her legs made me feel uneasy—especially considering she could barely manage to speak.

I set out some water and Tylenol for Sophia, and change into my PJs while she’s in the bathroom, and then I slip into my bed. I tap away on my phone before putting it on charge, eager to tell Eli how much I love being with him.

Me: I can’t wait to do things to you that will make you wonder if I’m really so innocent and sweet. I can be naughty. The things I think in my head are so bad.

“I had a reallhy good time tonight, Jill. I hope the kiss didn’t freak you out.” Sophia and I are lying the opposite ends of the bed, facing each other.

“You did freak me out a little, but I have to admit, it was hot. I enjoyed it.” I blush as I realize what I’ve said. My words come way too easily after a few drinks.

Yawning, I close my eyes in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. “If I wasn’t seeing Eli, I’d probably do you. But I love him,” I mumble, rolling onto my side.

Sleep pulls me under, and pretty soon I’m dead to the world.

Chapter Twelve


I laugh as I read the message again.

Me: I fraeking love you. I camt wait to do tings to you that will make you wonder if I’m reely so innocent and sweet. I can be nautgy. The things I tihnk in my head are sooooo bad, Eli :p

It took me a few minutes to work out what the hell she was saying, and I’m pretty sure she won’t remember any of it in the morning, but I’ll happily remind her of all those naughty things she promised to do to me, and maybe even that she dropped the L-bomb.

“What are you grinning about?” Danny eyes me suspiciously.

We are lounging around my apartment, drinking and catching up.

“Nothing,” I say, unable to hide my grin.

He leans forward and swipes my phone off me. I lunge to grab it back, but I’m too slow.

“Who the hell is this?” he howls. “Because she sounds drunk as hell. Don’t tell me Eli is actually seeing someone?” He gasps, overplaying the dramatics.

I roll my eyes and snatch my phone back. “I’m seeing someone. Happy?”

“If she’s a good fuck, then hell yeah, I’m happy for you.” He grins. “Is this still the high school chick or have you moved on to college? Maybe you’re going backwards. She’s not in middle school, is she?” He laughs, slapping his leg.

I groan, my mind wandering back to our first night together in that hotel.

“I’m kidding, dude, of course I’m happy for you. I never thought I’d see you settle down. So, when’s the wedding?” He howls with laughter.

“Are you done?” I ask, shaking my head. So maybe my parents’ relationship has made me somewhat of a commitment-phobe. Is it any wonder, after what I witnessed with them?

“Tell me about her. Seriously, man, I’m interested. I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy.” I know he’s being genuine this time.