Page 25 of Rewriting History

“You’re not my teacher anymore, Mr. Anderson. I can call you whatever I like.” She laughs and stands up, combing her hair over her shoulder.

How is she going to be when I tell her?

“Have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”


Jules opens the door shortly after I knock. She frowns at me. “Wow. You’re here.”

“Cut the attitude, Jules. You wanted me to visit him, and I am, okay?” I mumble.

“I wanted you to visit him and want to do it,” she retorts, shaking her head. “Whatever. Come in. The kids have missed you.”

As if on cue, Nicolas and Emma come bounding up the hall.

“Eli!” they scream in unison. I roll my eyes as Jules shushes them, kneeling down to wrap my arms around them both.

“You wanna play catch?” asks Nicolas, grabbing my arm.

Emma grabs hold of the other, tugging me to her room. “No, he was going to play dolls with me,” she shouts, her lower lip trembling.

I laugh and stand up. “How about we all go and watch a movie?” I ask. They seem happy with that solution and race off together, fighting over what to put on. I turn to Jules. “They’re good kids.”

“They are.” She smiles. “Hard work, but worth it, you know?” Her dark eyes fixate on me. “So, what’s going on with you? Seeing anyone?”

“Not really,” I fib. “Working too hard. Is Dad here?”

“He’s sleeping. He’s been a little off the last few days. I would’ve called you, but…” She shrugs, as if she doesn’t need to finish the sentence.

“Come on, Jules. Cut me some slack, okay? You wanted me to see him and I’m here. I suppose it’s my fault he’s asleep?” I mutter.

“I’m just saying if you came around a little more often, then him being asleep occasionally wouldn’t matter, would it?” She sighs and rubs her temples. “I don’t have time for this, Eli. I’m looking after Dad and the kids. Next time maybe call before you come and make sure he’s awake, okay?”

I nod curtly and turn around, walking out the door. I sigh as I hear it click shut. Jules and I have never been close, but that was just ridiculous. As I’m walking back to my car I remember the kids and my promising to watch a movie with them. I curse loudly, kicking the front wheel.

When did things get so damn complicated?

Chapter Eleven


Sophia arrives as I’m straightening my hair, and I can hear her introducing herself to my mom. I love her accent; I could listen to it all day. I bet the guys she dates love hearing sensual words from her mouth.

“Hey, girly, you look really nice,” she squeals as she walks into the bathroom. I turn and look at her, and we both crack up laughing when we notice we’re both wearing the same sparkly sleeveless shirt.

“So, you have awesome taste in clothes,” I joke.

“Come on, let’s get you into something different. Unless you want to come across as twins and indulge in a threesome tonight?” She winks at me.

I laugh, opening the closet door. A threesome with Eli and Sophia… Hot, but there’s no way I’m sharing Eli with anyone—especially someone like Sophia, who looks like she just stepped off a runway show.

“We need to put you in shorts anyway. There’s no way toned legs like yours should be hidden by jeans,” she says, eying my figure.

She ends up completely redressing me. Somehow I transform from conservative Jill to seductive Jill, wearing turquoise shorts, a white strapless flowing top, and tall wedges.

Sophia and I are standing in my bathroom. She is putting a few curls in my hair, and I’m replacing my nude lip-gloss with a rich pink lipstick at her insistence.

“Damn, vous êtes très jolie.” She shakes her head and whistles. “You’re definitely a candidate to get some hot American cock tonight.”