Page 20 of Rewriting History

Sorry honey,

I got called in early. I’ll make it up to you tonight, I promise. I’ll be home when you get home from school. Love you, and happy birthday.

Mom xx

Frowning, I pour myself a coffee and sit down. This is feeling reminiscent of Sixteen Candles. Mom couldn’t say no to one shift to be here the morning I turn eighteen?

I know I’m being childish, but I can’t help it. Eli and I have plans tonight, and as awful as it sounds, I don’t want to waste any of our time with Mom.

The day drags by so slowly, and the minute I walk out of my last exam I can feel the weight lift off my shoulders. There should be some kind of law against being forced to take exams on your birthday, especially when they’re as hard as that one was. The only highlights were the glimpses I saw of Eli in the halls on the way to class, and having Sophia chattering away next to me for most of the day. As I’m walking home I get a text from Eli, which fast becomes the highlight of my birthday. I hope he can top that later.

Eli: Happy birthday, Jill. I hope it’s everything you want and more.

Me: I’ll settle for everything I want ;)

Eli: You’re too amazing to settle for anything.

I grin and start putting my phone away when I realize Alice hasn’t called to wish me a happy birthday yet. More often than not, her timing is shocking, and it would be just my luck that she would call me later when I’m . . . otherwise occupied. Finding her in my short list of contacts, I press call.

“Hey.” I grin.

“Hey! I’m just about to walk into detention so I have to be quick.” She laughs.

“What did you do now?” I can’t help but laugh with her. She practically lives in detention. She’s a teacher’s worst nightmare. Naughty thoughts of Eli disciplining me in detention cross my mind and I blush.

“Ha, what didn’t I do wrong? Jesus, the teachers at this boarding school need to lighten the fuck up. I’m not into old chicks, but maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.” She snickers. “Someone’s going to get hot birthday sex tonight from their tea—cher,” she sings.

“Well, he’s technically not my teacher anymore.” I laugh.

“Technically, schmechnically,” she grumbles. “He’s off limits and that’s sexy as fuck.”

I laugh—trust Al to voice that—however, there is no doubt in my mind that Eli and I are getting down and dirty tonight.


p; “I don’t know why you guys haven’t been fucking each other’s brains out at night and then pretending you don’t know each other during the day. I mean, how the hell is anyone going to find out, anyway?”

I roll my eyes, anxiety rising in my stomach. She doesn’t understand how many people would be affected if someone found out about us. The thought makes me sick, and instantly I’m thinking about Jamie—again. It’s too much of a coincidence for him to say that if he knows nothing.

“Babe, I gotta go. Miss Stick-Up-Her-Ass is walking toward me, and the scowl that never seems to leave her face when I’m in her presence is present.”

I can almost hear her eyes rolling.

“Happy birthday, Jilly baby. I’ll call you later, ’kay?”


“Mom, did you hear me?” I wave my hand in her face.

We’re standing side by side in the kitchen as she makes coffee, but she’s so withdrawn that I’ve had to repeat myself a few times already. It’s unnerving. And it’s my birthday. A very mature start to me being eighteen, but I’m so pissed at her lack of interest in my day.

She shakes her head and snaps back to attention. She looks over at me, an apologetic smile on her face. “Sorry, hon, what did you say?”

“I was talking about my birthday,” I grumble. “What’s going on, Mom? You aren’t yourself today. Anything you want to talk about?” I ask. I’m starting to worry that something might be seriously wrong. But if it were, surely Dad would be here . . . right?

“I’m having some issues at work, but nothing that won’t sort itself out. I’m sorry, honey, it’s nothing for you to worry about.” She wraps her arms around me and kisses me on the forehead. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been here for you much lately.”

“No, it’s fine, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” A wave of guilt hits me as I think about how much I’ve been keeping from her.