Page 10 of Rewriting History

“You could help, you know,” I mutter.

“But you’re doing such an awesome job yourself,” she giggles, covering her mouth.

I had the fucking brilliant idea that we’d watch a movie on my bed, but now I realize how stupid the idea is because I’m going to have to lug the mattress back into the bedroom after she leaves.

Why didn’t I just move the television into the bedroom?

Finally, my mission is complete, and I’m almost ready to pass out from exhaustion. I flop down on the mattress, motioning for her to join me. She crawls into my arms and kisses my lips.

“I’m not known for my bright ideas,” I chuckle.

“Oh, I don’t know, this is pretty awesome.” Her mouth meets mine and we share another kiss that sends my heart rate soaring.

“Here,” I say, throwing her the remote.

Since I’ll probably be watching more of

her than the movie, I’ll let her pick from pay-per-view. I’ve already made sure the freezer is well stocked with Ben and Jerry’s triple chocolate, and there is so much candy and popcorn I’m sure I’ll be eating it for the next year.

I deserve the Boyfriend of the Year Award after all this effort.

The word boyfriend sends shivers down my spine. Am I even her boyfriend? We haven’t really discussed that officially, but I like the idea that I am. It’s been nine weeks since I walked into that classroom—a far cry from the two or three weeks that I was supposed to be filling in for my father.

Nine and a half weeks since I first kissed those beautiful, sweet lips.

Halfway through Bridget Jones’s Diary, I toss a piece of popcorn at her face. Her mouth drops open in shock as she turns to confront me. Her green eyes are wide and I can see she’s weighing up whether or not she should retaliate.

“You did not just throw popcorn at me,” she gasps.

Picking up the pillow to use as a shield, she grabs a handful of popcorn. Bad move. Before she has a chance to aim her shot, I lunge so that I’m lying on top of her.

“You throw that and this is not going to end well,” I growl.

She’s laughing hysterically as she squirms madly underneath me, trying to escape. She looks so young with her hair all messy like that. A reminder that this mature girl is only seventeen—eight years younger than me.

“I warned you this wouldn’t end well,” I mumble, tickling her sides.

“If this is what not ending well looks like, then I should misbehave more often,” she replies, out of breath. She gazes up at me with her big eyes, her soft lips begging to be kissed. My head moves toward hers and I peck her several times lightly on the lips, tasting the cherry cola she’s been drinking.

She sighs and brings her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. Our kisses get deeper and more urgent as our tongues swirl against each other. I roll off her to the side and take her with me so our bodies are still connected.

Pushing her hair over her shoulder, my lips meet her neck and I roll my tongue down the curve of her shoulder. I’ve never been big on kissing—I’d rather get to the real part of screwing—but I could kiss her sweet lips all day and it still wouldn’t be enough.

The credits are playing to the last movie. It’s going on midnight and Jill is snoring softly in my lap. Since she’s been studying all day, it’s no surprise that she passed out halfway through the movie. I don’t want to wake her—not only because I love the feel of her asleep in my arms, but I’m sure she has another big day of study tomorrow.

Watching her sleep is enough . . . for now.

And the more she studies, the better results she’ll get and the less opportunity bullies like Jamie will have to expose us.

Chapter Five


Not seeing Eli outside of the classroom has left me with nothing to do but study. Books are piled in front of me as I sit in the library flicking through them. As much as I hate to admit it, Eli is right: he is a distraction, and my not seeing him for the last week has reaffirmed that. I’ve actually been able to concentrate on my studying. Well, most of the time.

And texting.

I smile as I read his latest message.