Page 53 of Rewriting History

“Last semester? Holy shit, Jill. You’re a regular little slut, huh? You’ve been putting out for Mr. A all this time?” He laughs. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

My face reddens. I need to shut my mouth. “I’m late for class,” I mumble quietly. I storm past him and into class, leaving him chuckling

by the door. As I sink into my seat, the enormity of what just happened hits me.

I just gave my worst enemy all the ammunition he needs to ruin Eli and me.

We’re fucked.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Jill: Are you free? I need to speak to you now. Important.

I text her back, telling her to come to my office. Galleu and most of the senior staff are away for the afternoon at a conference. If anyone were to ask, Jill was just here to ask about an essay. I have the notes ready to go.

She knocks on the door and I rise from my chair and walk over. My pulse is racing, but that’s not unusual. Every time I’m faced with the possibility of seeing her at school, I feel like we’re on the verge of getting caught. What I hate most is there’s a small part of me that enjoys the rush it gives me.

I open the door, letting her slip inside. She smiles at me, her eyes falling downcast as she moves over to the seat opposite my desk.

“So, what’s going on?” I say, clearing my throat. I walk back over to my desk and sit down while I wait for her to speak.

She breathes out suddenly and closes her eyes. “I’ve fucked everything up,” she mumbles. “I thought he knew, I was just sick of him trying to push me all the time. I’m so sorry.”

“Who are we talking about?” I ask her. I’m trying to remain calm, but the thought of anyone knowing about us…I loosen my shirt, aware that the room has suddenly become very stuffy.

“Jamie. He knows. He knows because I fucking told him,” she says with a bitter laugh. “How could I be so stupid? I swear, I thought he knew.”

“Hey,” I say. I reach across the desk and take her hands in mine. “Whatever happened, we’ll deal with it, okay? You haven’t ruined anything, Jill. We can cope with this, okay?”

She nods, her expression doubtful.

“Tell me exactly what happened.”

She recites the story and my body goes tense. Okay, this is pretty bad. But I refuse to let on how deflated I’m feeling because the last thing we need right now is her breaking. I have to keep her strong, make her believe that Jamie knowing means nothing.

I reach for the phone and ask the administration to call Jamie to my office immediately. Jill looks at me like I’ve gone insane.

“Trust me, everything will be fine,” I say to her, sitting up straighter in my chair. I begin to sweat. I wish I felt half as relaxed as I’m letting on. We sit in silence, neither of us wanting to risk being overheard, until there is a loud knock at the door.

I walk over and open it. Jamie struts past me with a smirk on his face.

“Well, well, what have we got here?” He grins, looking from Jill to me. “Trying to get a quickie in during lunch? Not very professional, Mr. Anderson. What would the school say if they knew you were pounding a student?” His eyes widen. “What would Daddy say?”

I glance at Jill. Her face is void of emotion, apart from the twitch in her jaw that gives away her annoyance.

I motion for Jamie to sit down. “What’s it going to take to keep you quiet, Jamie?” I ask, my voice calm.

“You think I want something?” He shakes his head and nods at Jill. “The only thing I want to do is ruin her, like her mother has done to me.”

What the hell does her mother have to do with anything?

“All this time I thought you must have known about them,” he continues. “It didn’t occur to me that you were hiding something even bigger.” He shakes his head. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re just like your mother—a fucking home-wrecking whore who’ll open her legs for anyone.”

“What are you talking about?” she responds, confused. She glances at me and shakes her head, like she has no idea what all of this is about.

“Oh, so you didn’t know?” He smiles widely. “Well, let me fill you in: your mother has been sleeping her way around the hospital.” He stands up and walks over to the window, turning around to face me. “She’s fucking my dad, and apparently Daddy has fallen in love.”