Page 26 of Rewriting History

My eyes widen as I look at her in the mirror.

“I never thought I’d hear you being so crude.” I laugh, surprised.

“There’s many sides to me, Jill.” She winks at me. “And some are just downright filthy.”

We walk outside and over to her car, a brand new Mini, with all the upgrades one could ask for.

“Where the hell did you get this?” I ask, jealous. All I get is the occasional drive of my mom’s five-year-old Honda.

“My parents bought it for me when I first got here. They wanted to make sure I had a means of getting around.” She rolls her eyes. “Though I’m pretty sure they’ve fitted it with a tracking device.”

I shake my head. “This would have cost a fortune.”

“And my parents have a fortune, so why not?” she asks, turning to me with a smile. She nods toward the back of the car. “I brought us some drinks for the party.”

I reach into to the back and bring the drinks to the front. My eyes widen when I see they are vodka and soda cans. Freaking awesome. I was so not looking forward to warm keg beer.

Sophia and I walk in the door, our arms linked. We get some catcalls as we make our way down the hall, along with some eye rolls and snotty remarks from jealous girls.

“Well hellloooooooo ladies,” Josh grins, wrapping his arms around our necks, his hand inching dangerously close to my boob. I reposition it so it sits on my shoulder and he laughs. In our algebra class, I know he can be a bit of a clown. He’s dressed nicely in a button-down black shirt and jeans, and I giggle as Sophia eyes him up. I didn’t think anyone could out-boy-crazy Alice, but I may have underestimated Sophia.

“Hey, Josh, beautiful house,” I say, using the opportunity of placing our drinks in the fridge to shrug him off completely.

Josh shows us around his parents’ house. Situated in one of Denver’s more expensive estates, the whole place screams opulence and status. Clearly, his parents are loaded. What is it with everyone around me having money all of a sudden?

“Who’s the guy at the front door, Josh? Your own private bodyguard?” I joke. I’m grasping at anything to try and mask how nervous I feel right now. I’m so out of my element. I’m not the party kind of girl, and I’m already beginning to regret agreeing to come.

“That’s Joe. He’s head of security.” He moves closer to me so I can only hear. “So if you wanna go upstairs, he’s the man to make sure no one comes through the door.” Josh laughs at his own joke, but I can tell he’s partly serious.

“Let’s have a dance!” Sophia yells. She stumbles into the doorframe on the way back over to me, grabbing my hand. I groan as she leads me into the middle of the room, feeling like an idiot as everyone watches us.

She grinds her body against mine and I laugh, holding my hair off my sweating neck. I’ve only had one drink and I’m already tipsy. I’m such a lightweight, which is why I rarely drink spirits. Sophia is dancing in front of me with her back to me, wiggling her ass against my leg, and her moves are drawing quite a crowd from some of the guys.

“Fuckin kiss her!” someone yells, and I snort.

In your dreams, buddy.

But before I can comprehend what she’s doing, her soft lips collide with mine and I feel her sucking on my bottom lip. I exhale sharply, a shiver racing through me. As quickly as it started, it finishes, and the whole party erupts in cheers.

“That’s it, boys, that’s all you’re getting for tonight.” She winks at them and turns back to me with a smirk, her hand clutching mine. “Did you enjoy that?” she asks, whispering in my ear.

I’m too shocked to react. I can’t believe she just kissed me, and apparently neither can the group of guys surrounding us. I cringe as they whistle and chant for more.

My stomach is in knots, because I know this will probably be all over school by Monday. Why do I feel like I just cheated on Eli? I kissed a girl. Well . . . technically she kissed me, but still. It’s not something I want to tell him over the phone, so I decide to wait until I see him next and sneak it casually into the conversation.

I have no idea how he is going to react, or whether to even tell him. It wasn’t a big deal—at least not for me—and isn’t it every guy’s dream for their girl to make out with another chick?

The kiss isn’t mentioned again, and Sophia keeps her distance for the rest of the night. We laugh at the stupid evil looks ‘popular’ girls are giving us. Clearly our kiss ruined any chance of those girls getting any attention, since half the guys are still hanging around us.

I’ve never had this feeling of being desired, and I have to say, I like it. I’m so used to fading into the background, watching other girls get all the attention.

Josh and a few other guys have gone in for the kill tonight, trying to get my attention with cheesy pickup lines. I can’t help but laugh at their delivery. Which is a shame, because they’re actually pretty cute guys that I could have easily gone for had it not been fo

r Eli.

One thought of Eli and I’m gone. In comparison, these guys all seem so immature and young. I guess being with a real man will have that effect on you.

“Sorry, I’ve got a boyfriend.” I turn down yet another boy. I haven’t had this much attention since middle school, where I was in with the popular crowd and hung around football players and cheerleaders.