Page 13 of Rewriting History

“I love your taste,” she whispers. “Does it turn you on, me doing this?”

“You fucking know it does,” I mutter.

My body begins to shake. I grip the side of my desk and reposition one of my legs so it rests on my chair. Her hands are curled around my thighs as she takes as much of me into her mouth as she can.

I’m so fucking close. There are so many distractions, and I’m trying not to draw any attention to what’s going on in here. I’m being paranoid, I know, but I can’t help it.

“Jill, I’m close. Pull away,” I warn her.

Her hands urge me to keep going as she takes me deeper into her mouth.

“Fuck,” I gasp, squeezing my eyes closed. My body jerks as I release in her mouth. I can feel her swallow, which makes me want to come again.

I can’t believe she just did that.

I feel shock. I’m in awe of her gutsiness. But most of all, I feel lucky that she’s mine. She gets to her feet and smiles at me.

“Don’t you have class to get to?” I tease.

She giggles as I kiss her lips. My hand grazes her ass as she presses herself against me. Arousal stirs inside me and I smirk, because she’s getting me hard, again.

“I could say the same thing to you, Mr. Anderson.”

I wince. “God, don’t call me that. It makes me feel like a creep.” She makes a face and I slap her playfully on the ass. “Watch yourself, Ms. Wilson.”

I let her out of my grip and watch as she moves toward the door, unlocking it and letting herself out.

“I’m glad midterms finish on Friday.” She smiles. “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” I murmur.


“Good of you to make it,” Mr. Galleu drawls as I take my seat at the table.

“Sorry,” I mutter. “I was held up with a student.”

Not a complete lie.

Mr. Galleu drones on and on about exams, school policies, and other things that I should probably care about more than I actually do. I have to force myself to focus or risk falling asleep.

“As I was saying before,” Galleu shoots me a look, “this is our last meeting before the end of the semester. I just wanted to wish everyone an enjoyable holiday. Mr. Andersons, can I see you both?”

I glance at my father and wonder why he wants to see him. Me, I can understand, but what does my father have to do with anything?

I hang around as the meeting empties, purposely staying over on the other side of the room to avoid small talk with my father. Even from over here I can see he doesn’t look great. A wave of guilt rushes over me. I haven’t called my sister for an update in more than a week.

“Elijah, Tony, sit.” Galleu nods at us, and we both sit on opposite sides of the table. “So, Elijah. You obviously know your father is scheduled for heart surgery in January, and for that reason we’ll be needing you to continue to take his classes next semester.”

My head shoots up. Heart surgery? I glance at Dad, but he won’t meet my eyes. Am I supposed to feel guilty for not finding this out sooner, or annoyed that I wasn’t informed?


“I’m sorry, what?” I snap my attention back to Galleu.

“I said I know we asked you to stay on to fill a gap in Junior History, but it’s easier for us to cover that than it is Senior, so you’ll be staying in Senior to cover your father’s classes. I trust that’s not an issue for you?”

“Not at all,” I reply stiffly.