Jacey’s voice screams down the line. Shit. I was hoping she’d let this whole thing go and let me fix what Nate broke. Sighing, I rub the back of my neck. My heart thumps as a police car passes me, but they don’t even give me a second look. Slowly, my breathing relaxes until I’m finally able to speak.

“Jace, I can’t talk now. I need to find Drew. Besides, I’m pretty sure talking while driving is illegal over here.”

“I’m pretty sure driving without a license is too,” Jacey retorts. “You know Nate

will get screwed by the rental company if you have an accident, right? Not to mention how much shit you will be in. Forget about raising the cash for Max because it will all have to go towards bailing you out of trouble.”

I bite my lip. Shit. I never thought about that. I pull over onto the side of the road and sigh. Slamming my fist against the wheel, I curse, my cheeks warm from the frustration racing through me. As angry as I am at Nate, the last thing I want is to get him in trouble. Or myself. I could fuck up my whole future with one silly mistake.

“I gotta go,” I mumble.

I press end before she can say anything else. Leaning my head against the back of the seat, I stare at the window at the traffic racing past. I turn my phone off and toss it onto the seat next to me, then I start the car and drive slowly the hundred meters to car park of Albert Park Lake. Shutting off the engine, I get out, ignoring the freezing cold air as it blows softly against my bare arms.

I hoist myself onto the bonnet of the car, crossing my legs under me as I watch people go by. I have no idea what I’m doing and no idea of where to even look for Drew. What’s the point if he won’t listen to me anyway? What’s the point of any of this?

I lay back, wrapping my arms over my chest and stare up at the sky. People glance my way, obviously wondering what I’m doing, but I don’t care. Instead I focus on the gnawing feeling in my stomach that is asking me what I expected.

Did I think falling in love with Drew would change anything? It doesn’t change the person I am, or the lengths I will go to in order to avoid getting close to someone. I strung Nate along for two years, knowing I didn’t feel the same way because I couldn’t. I’m not capable of feeling anything; anything within myself other than disappointment and regret.

No, I didn’t string him along. He knew what he was getting himself into. Typically, it’s the woman who thinks she can “fix” a man with commitment issues, but in Nate’s case … anyone could have seen how that was going to end up. He couldn’t fix it, because he’s not the one that I was meant to be with. And now I’ve gone and fucked it all to hell.

Closing my eyes, I listen to the sound of the leaves rustling in the tree that hovers above me. My arms are nearly numb from the cold, and the alcohol is beginning to wear off, leaving me feeling achy and sorry for myself.

“I’m never drinking again,” I remember muttering to myself before I drifted off into a quick alcohol and adrenalin release coma.

The soft chuckling wakes me up, only I can barely move. I’m so cold, and my head throbs. I shift positions, my back thanking me as I roll onto my side, snuggling further into the thick, wool lined jacket covering me.

Wait. I didn’t have a jacket.

I sit bolt upright, my head screaming at me for the sudden movement.

Drew sits next to me. His eyes shining, he reaches over and wipes the corner of my


“There is nothing sexier than a woman who embraces her drooliness,” he comments.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper. I’m confused, and my memory of the last twenty-four hours is hazy at best. Then I remember. “All I wanted was the chance to explain.”

“I know,” he says, his voice softening. “Why do you think I’m here? You gave me a chance when everything looked bad from your view, right? It’s the least I could do.”

I snuggle into his side. “I was driving to find you.”

“I know. Shouldn’t have done that, Aubs.”

“I didn’t want us to end because Nate showed up.”

“Do you want us to end at all?” he asks, his body stiffening under me.

“No,” I whisper. “No, I don’t.”

He raises h

is hand and waives someone over. Peeking up, I notice Nash walking toward the car with Jacey. “You come with me. They’re going to take Nate back his stolen vehicle.”

Chapter Eighteen
