The next twenty-four hours passed in a blur. I was either asleep, or crying, or running over what had happened in my mind. As soon as I’d fall asleep, I would wake up, screaming, reliving the whole nightmare. Every time I closed my eyes, he was there, on top of me.

I couldn’t get away from him, and what I hated the most was how easy it was to let Ivan’s words creep inside my head. Maybe I had asked for it? And he was right—nobody would believe he’d raped me. I laughed bitterly. The press would love a story like this. Bethany Masters Cries ‘Rape.’

He knew I wouldn’t tell anyone—he knew that before he raped me. My decision not to report him would have shocked some people, maybe even angered them, but from my perspective there was no point. I was convinced that this was somehow my fault, and I had nobody on my side to tell me otherwise.

My phone beeped, scaring the hell out of me. Panting heavily, I collected it from the bed next to me and read the message. It was from Coop.

Shit, Beth, I’m sorry about yesterday. Everything is all good now, I promise. Come over for dinner tonight, okay? I really want you and Mia to be friends.

I snorted angrily. Everything was okay. Well, thank fucking God he thought everything was fine. He hadn’t just been raped. His whole world wasn’t collapsing around him. Tears stained my cheeks as I tapped back a response.

Sure, whatever. See you tonight.

Switching my phone off, I rolled over, snuggling down into the familiarity of my blankets. My body ached more today, and my head was pounding—probably from all the crying. Large blue and purple bruises had begun to surface on my thighs and my arms. I was a freaking mess, and in no condition to go out anywhere. All I wanted was someone to comfort me, someone to tell me things were going to be okay.

I needed him. I needed him, alone with me, but that wasn’t an option.

And right now, there was only one thing worse than the thought of spending the night with Coop and Mia.

And that was spending the night alone.


I banged repeatedly on the huge wooden door until it swung open. My face broke into a grin.

“Coop,” I yelled, collapsing into his arms. If he hadn’t opened the door at that very moment, I probably would’ve collapsed into it. I was so sleepy. I glanced around the hallway of Coop’s place as the room began to spin out of control.

Oh, shit. This isn’t good.

“Beth? Are you feeling okay?” Coop asked, carrying me inside. “What the fuck happened to your face?”

I giggled and gazed up at him. God, look at those eyes.

“I’m okay, Coop. Just loosening up,” I muttered, and struggled out of his arms. His strong, sexy arms… I unbuttoned my jacket.

“Coop, where shall I put this—”

Jake stopped midsentence, his jaw dropping to the floor. He stood there, a bottle of wine in his hand, gaping at me as I tossed the jacket onto the sofa. I glanced down and giggled. Oopsie. I’d forgotten to get dressed.

“Jake,” Coop said urgently. He grabbed my jacket and threw it around me. “Do not let either of them in here. I’m taking Beth home.”

Jake, still frozen to the spot, didn’t respond.


He snapped back to reality, and nodded. “Okay, go.” He threw his keys to Coop. “Take my car. I’m just out front.” Coop led me out to the car. I sighed, happy that he was there for me. I felt so much better when he was around me. Protected.

“Beth? Can you tell me what you’ve taken?” he asked, shaking me gently.

Opening one eye, I looked at him, embarrassed. My face heated up as I slowly remembered what had happened. All I wanted to do was sleep and never wake up.

“Just some coke. No big deal . . .” I mumbled, slipping into darkness.

“What’s wrong with her?”

“She told me she took some cocaine.”

“Come with me. The more you can help me, the better your friend will be.”