He shrugged. “She was still a hell of a lot better alone than with me. Look at her. She’s a superstar. All I would have done is messed up her life. She didn’t need me.”

“She needed someone,” I roared. Blood pulsated through my veins. “Do you have any idea what she’s been through? Why did you hire me? Did you know about Ivan?”

“Ivan? Ivan is a piece of scum. I never trusted him.” Carlos narrowed his eyes. “Wait, what do you mean? What are you talking about, Ivan?” He took a step forward. “Did he hurt her?”

“He raped her. He raped her, then threatened her, and now she’s mixed up in something really bad because she doesn’t think before she acts.”

“I’ll kill the son of a bitch,” he cursed. “That fucking good-for-nothing piece of shit. He’s gonna pay. Where the hell is he?”

I put my hands up and shook my head. “Trust me, he’s not going anywhere for a few days. I may have lost my temper.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck! I want to kill the bastard,” he seethed, wrapping his hands behind his head. “Fucking fuck-knuckled shithead. Nobody lays a finger on my daughter and lives to gloat about it.”

“Carlos, don’t do anything stupid, okay?” I sighed. Not that I could talk; I’d been as angry as him when I’d found out.

“What, like slice his fucking dick off?” Carlos growled. “I’m not stupid, Roman. I can look after myself and my family.”

I groaned. Great, so now she was family. I slapped a piece of paper down on his desk.

“What’s this?” he asked, picking it up.

“That is the owner of the ten pounds of coke Beth flushed down the toilet.”

“She what?” Carlos sputtered, roaring with laughter. “That’s my kid, all right.”

I frowned. “She is happy to pay for what she damaged, but can you take care of this? I don’t want her to have to deal with anything else.”

“Yeah. Leave it with me.” He stood up, leaning over his desk until he was nose to nose with me. “You fucking hurt a single hair on her head and I’ll rip your balls off, stick ‘em in a blender, and pour them down your throat. Got it?” He glared at me menacingly.

“Got it, Carlos.” I shook my head and walked out.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“Tickets?” I asked.

She held up our two first-class tickets.

“Okay, then. I guess that’s it.” I picked up the last of our luggage and carried it out to the waiting cab.

Getting the role in the movie could not have come at a more perfect time. Even though she had missed her audition and now had no manager, they had been so keen to secure her for the part, they’d offered her a deal she couldn’t pass up.

After the last few months, we both needed to get away from here for a while—and it was only for six months. To be honest, I couldn’t wait to start my life with Beth. I fell asleep thinking about her and woke up wanting her. She was truly the most amazing woman I’d ever met, and I still struggled to comprehend that she chose me. Out of all the men in the world, I’m the one she wanted.

I’d left Scarlett in charge at the club. She had been shocked when I’d asked her, but it hadn’t taken much to convince her that she was up for it. Strangely enough, without the debts hanging over my head, I actually felt really relaxed about leaving my baby in her hands.

Carlos had surprised me with his restraint in dealing with Ivan . . . if you call planting ten pounds of coke in his home, tipping off the cops and getting him thrown in jail being restrained. Ivan had pleaded guilty and received six years.

Six years was nothing compared to what he’d put Beth through. He would get his life back in six years; she would remember that night forever.

“So, I guess we are really doing this, huh?” Beth asked, linking her arm in mine.

“Guess so.” I cradled her face in my hand as I kissed her, not caring that we had an audience in the middle-aged driver who was watching us in the rearview mirror.

Beth giggled.

My phone beeped. Pulling it out of my pocket, I recognized the number as Carlos’s.