He walked towards me, his grin widening. I tensed and backed up until he had me pressed against the wall with nowhere to go. I swallowed, a lump forming in my throat as he reached out and touched my stomach.

The feel of his fingers running down the soft silk of my dress made me cringe. I tried to get away. I tried to maneuver my way from under him, but his arm shot out against the wall. I was blocked in. His weight was up against me. He was so close I could feel how aroused he was. As he surrounded me, his intentions becoming clear, I began to panic.

Oh no. Please don’t let him do this.

I tried again to move, but I was locked into this space like a prisoner in a tiny cell. He had a good six inches and at least fifty pounds on me. He wasn’t that well built, but compared to my hundred-pound frame, he might as well have been a wrestler.

“Come on, Beth. Is that any way to show your appreciation to a friend who helped you out of a tight spot?”

Let me go,” I yelled as I struggled to free myself.

He smiled, exposing those grotesque teeth, and pressed me harder against the wall. “Don’t be like that, Beth. I don’t like games, and you’ve been playing me for a while now, you little cock-tease.”

He grabbed hold of my neck as I tried to break away from him. Pain shot through me as his grip on me tightened, his nails digging into my skin so hard I could feel my blood pulsate against the pressure of them. A cry escaped me as he groped at my breasts and forced his mouth against mine. I coughed, gagging at the taste of his rancid breath.

He’s going to rape me. Bile began to rise up in my throat. I tried to scream. “Why are you doing this?” I sobbed, the salty taste of tears running onto my lips.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he grabbed hold of my forearm and pulled at it roughly. I gasped, his strength winding me. With one more hard yank, we tumbled to the floor. I landed hard. He hovered over me. He was way too strong, and in complete control.

His weight crushed down on me as I st

ruggled to breathe. His dark eyes, now overshadowed with rage, narrowed in on mine as he gripped both my wrists together and pinned them above my head while his other hand roughly pushed my dress up, exposing me.

“Please,” I sobbed as his hand groped in between my thighs. I kicked frantically, desperately trying to free myself. I gasped as his fingers brushed my panties aside before they roughly and forcefully thrust inside of me. I felt sick, and at the same time, like this wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. I’d never let this happen. I was disgusted at myself for putting myself into this situation.

“Don’t do this. Please, Ivan, stop,” I yelled, struggling to free my hands.

He grunted in response. It was almost a laugh. His hand curled around my black lace panties, and with a sickening rip, they were off me. Pain shot through my legs where the fabric had burned into my skin. A fresh lot of tears ran down my cheeks as I began to weaken.

This can’t be happening.Please… please no.

My heart dropped as I heard the sound of his zipper and then felt his fumbling between my legs. Another wave of nausea ripped through me as I braced myself for what was next.

“No!” I shrieked, trying with my last ounce of strength to free myself.

But he was just too big, his grip on my wrists so tight I was beginning to lose feeling in my fingers. I cried out as his fist connected with my face. My eye throbbed. My vision became cloudy as my eye began to close over. I bit down on my lip so hard I tasted blood.

“Stop fighting this, Bethy,” he whispered in my ear.

I cringed, the stench of body odor and stale cigarettes enveloping me. I whimpered as he forced his fingers inside me again and moved them around.

“Ooh, you’re nice and wet for me baby.”

“Stop…please stop.”

“You can have me for free, honey. No need to go paying for it,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers groped roughly inside of me. All I could do was lie there and beg like a fucking puppy—beg him not to do what he had every intention of doing, what he was already doing. Plead with him not to take the only thing I’d had control over my entire life.

He removed his fingers and forced himself inside, the pain leaving me breathless. I choked back tears as he fondled my breasts, his hands all over me like he had a right to my body. I squeezed my eyes shut and focused on the sound of my heartbeat. I tried to block everything else out.

Bump, bump, bump, bump.

“You feel amazing. Better than I imagined, honey,” he huffed as he thrust inside of me. “For a slut, you’re really fucking tight. God, oh yeah. You like that? You like the feel of a real man inside you, honey?”

I didn’t respond. Instead, I lay there, shaking, and slowly dying inside as he moved inside of me. I gasped as his fist connected with my face again, crashing me back down to reality.

Please make him stop. Oh God, please just make him stop.

“Say it, Bethy. Tell me how much you want this. Fuckin’ say it,” he growled in my ear.