Page 62 of Tease (Tease 1)

“You know how sick my mother is,” I began, trying a different approach.

Mia nodded slightly.

“The trial I told you about? It costs a fucking fortune to keep her in that. Not to mention the costs of having her live at the facility she’s at. That is why I do what I do. Or did.”

“Did?” Mia repeated uncertainly. Her index finger tapped lightly on the table as she waited for an answer.

“I’m getting to that.” I sighed. God, she was pushy. “Mia, I like you a lot. Things were messed up…I was starting to feel something for you, but I had to keep working, and you kept sending me mixed signals. Then when this whole thing with Melinda happened it just sort of exploded in my face.” I sighed. “My point is, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had to choose between you and helping my family. There was never going to be another job that would’ve paid enough to cover what I needed it to—”

“Then what is there to talk about, Coop?” she interrupted me. “I can’t be with you if you’re doing that, and I don’t think it’s fair of you to ask me that.”

“I’d never ask that of you,” I cried, my hand reaching for hers. “Will you please just let me finish here? What I’m trying to tell you is, I quit. I am no longer an escort. God knows what the fuck I will be doing with my life, but it won’t be sleeping with women.”

“You quit?” she said softly. “What about your mom?”

“Someone set up a fund for Mom’s care. It’s something I never have to worry about again,” I explained, smiling. I couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions that were running through me. I was feeling it all: anxiety, happiness, fear.

“Someone?” Mia said flatly. “And by ‘someone,’ you mean one of your millionaire clients?” She let out a low growl. “Why not one of them, Coop? Why me? I’m sure they could make you much happier than I—”

“Because it’s you I want, not them!” I exploded.

Right at that moment the door opened, and in walked three very surprised looking women. They glanced from Mia to me before backing out of the room quietly. I groaned, and rubbed my forehead.

“Coop, I have to get back to work.” She spoke quietly. “I need time to think.”

“Come over tonight?” I pleaded.

“I don’t know. I need to think.” She stood up, pushing

her chair against the table behind her. “I’m sorry.”

I watched as she walked out. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever see her again.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I stopped by the grocer’s on the way home.

Did I expect to see her tonight?

No, but if she did come, I wanted to be ready. After filling my basket with everything I needed, I paid and went home. On the way, I passed the diner where Mia had been re-introduced to her love for cheesecake. I slammed on the brakes, causing the person behind me to swerve around while screaming obscenities out their window.

I parked in front of the diner and got out. Inside, I walked up to the counter and ordered two slices of baked cheesecake to go. I paid, took the container out to the car, and continued my drive home.

Standing back, I surveyed my handiwork. The balcony looked pretty amazing, and would look even better after the dusk. The red blanket I had laid out looked inviting, and the string of lights left over from Christmas added a little romance to the scene. I’d put out the food a little later.

At twelve, I finally gave up. She wasn’t coming. And I was an idiot for sitting there, waiting for her. I walked back inside and switched on the TV, settling down on the couch. I glanced outside at the picnic I’d set up and felt like an even bigger idiot. Fucking idiot. That’s what I was. A fucking dickhead. Of course she wasn’t coming back to me. She could do much better than I could ever offer her. I’d gone in there declaring my feelngs to her, and all I had to offer was . . . nothing. No job—sure I had savings, but how long would that last me? I’d need to move out of my apartment.

And what the hell was I going to do for work? The truth was, without Mia, I didn’t care. I didn’t want a normal life if she wasn’t going to be a part of it. The hell with that; I’d rather stick to escorting. At least it was something I knew I did well.

I turned off the TV; I gave up. Trudging down to the bedroom, I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the ground. I unzipped my pants and stepped out of them, too.

I climbed between the sheets, my head throbbing from overwhelming thoughts. I’d had enough. I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open.

All this? It would have to wait until tomorrow.

My eyes opened, trying to register to the darkness that surrounded me. I struggled to figure out what was going on. I glanced at my clock. Two in the morning. What the fuck was I doing awake at two in the morning?

Then I heard it. The door.