Page 19 of Tease (Tease 1)

What I found most appealing was I could still see the girl I used to know in her. That crazy sense of humor. She was someone who would try anything, and if it fucked up, laugh about it. Everything I’d fallen in love with back then was still there, and more. And the crazy thing was, I couldn’t wait to get to know her again.

Chapter Nine

Delaney Balcott booked me every couple of months. Though she wasn’t a regular, she was a woman who I definitely looked forward to spending time with.

Attractive and single, Delaney oozed confidence in the workforce. On the odd occasion I saw her on the news, her conviction for whatever she was supporting sent chills down my spine. It was actually a huge turn-on, seeing these women on TV or in the newspaper and knowing I knew them in a way that nobody else did. And I was probably one of only a handful of people who could say ‘Yep, I’ve seen you naked.’

Apart from Amalie, Delaney was my only client who preferred me to meet her at her home. Located on the southern side of Manhattan, overlooking the lake, her place could only be described as a palace. And I thought my place was too big for one person. Her house made my apartment look like a shoebox.

I pressed the intercom and announced myself. As the gates opened, I drove through, parking in the garage. Getting out of the car, I hit the button on the wall that sent the garage door back down, and then I strolled over to the internal access door and knocked lightly.

“It’s open, Coop!” Delaney called out.

I turned the handle and pushed it open, stepping inside.

No matter how many times I’d been there, the beauty of the house still shocked me. The place was spotless. The living room boasted huge windows that showcased the breathtaking view—almost as good as mine. With the newest furniture and expensive artworks, Delaney’s house looked like something out of a magazine. Everything had a spot and nothing ever looked out of place.

I walked into the kitchen, where I could hear her puttering around.

She looked up and smiled at me. “Coop,” she said, walking over.

Her long dark hair hung loosely down her back. She was still wearing her work clothes, a grey pencil skirt and a white shirt that looked stunning against her dark skin. She leaned into me, her lips connecting with mine in a passionate kiss.

“You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I’ve been working myself into the ground the last few weeks and I need a release.” She grinned and reached over to the counter for the two wine glasses and a bottle of red.

“It’s good to see you too. You look stunning, as usual.” I placed my hand on the curve of her back as she poured the wine.

“You look pretty good too,” she said, handing me a glass. Her hazel eyes wandered over my body as she licked her lips. “Let’s go upstairs, shall we?”

She took off for the staircase, with me right behind her.

Looking at Delaney, the last thing you’d expect to find in her house was a dedicated sex room. We’re talking walls lined with various sized bats and whips, dildos in every color and shape, and various other toys,

“Over there,” she said, pointing to the king-sized bed against the far wall. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I walked over the hardwood floor to the bed. The good thing about regular clients was knowing what to expect. Delaney loved to be dominated by men. Our sessions lasted anywhere from an hour to all night, depending on how busy she was.

You’re imagining all sorts of kinky things now, aren’t you? Well, whatever you’re thinking, trust me, the reality is so much better.

Delaney strutted back into the room wearing a matching lace bra and panties. Her hair was twisted up into a bun and fastened into place with several pins. The black stiletto heels she was wearing added several inches to her height, enough so that she now stood taller than me.

“Why don’t you take your clothes off,” she suggested, her voice serious. She stood in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest, watching me, waiting. I let my pants and boxers fall to the floor, and pushed them aside. I lifted my T-shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor.

She took a step forward, curling her hand tightly around my cock. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me, slowly increasing the pressure her hand had on my dick.

“You want me on my knees, sucking your cock, don’t you?” she accused. I got the feeling Delaney sometimes struggled working in such a male-dominated field, and that encouraged her fascination with BDSM. Our games always started out with her showing her strength, which I slowly broke down until she was at my beck and call.

“I love the feel of a woman’s lips closing around my dick. It’s what women are best at.” I smiled at her. Of course I didn’t really believe that; it was what she wanted to hear. She wanted a reason to be pissed at me, because that’s what turned her on.

She wanted me to fuel the fire.

“Come on, Delaney. Stop wasting my time. Nobody likes a cock tease.” I strolled past her and over to the sofa against the opposite wall. I slid onto the seat and whistled her over like I would a puppy. She scowled, but obliged, walking over until she stood in front of me, her hands on her hips.

“On your knees, honey,” I sighed.

She glared at me as she squatted.

“Come on, take it in your mouth. You realize that when you’re at work, every guy is daydreaming about you sucking his cock?” I chuckled. “I bet that’s how you got to where you are, right? By spending a lot of time on your knees?”