Page 55 of Provoke

“So you know my family, right? One call. That’s all it will take for you to disappear forever.” I stared deep into his eyes, almost begging for him to doubt me.

He dropped his gaze. Sweat trickled down his forehead. “I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t compromise a federal investigation.” His voice was panicked.

I narrowed my eyes, my teeth clenching together. I nodded at Ben, who took a step toward Luke.

“Okay,” Luke cried, holding his arms up in defeat. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

Fucking useless sack of shit. It had taken him less than five minutes to crack.

“Tell me about the website. Who owns it?” I asked.

“I don’t know names. Two guys.”

“And the rest?” I pressed.

“What, like you?”

I tensed. I hated being included in that description. “Yes,” I said through gritted teeth. “Like me. And buyers. Like you.”

“Guys like you, maybe ten? Buyers, it depends. In the last month, maybe thirty?” I heard Leeta gasp behind me. I’d almost forgotten she was there. “What do you think you’re going to do? Bust your way in there? And then what?”

My fist connected with the side of his face. He glared at me, his nostrils flaring.

“What’s your involvement? Besides testing the stock,” I spat.

“I’m basically just muscle. Disposable.” In other words, useless to me.

“Then why did we trace the IP address to here?”

“Because…” He shrugged again. “Because I’m expected to participate. The same as you are.” He shot me a look.

Yeah, only the difference is, you thought it was real.

“How do buyers find you? I’m guessing you’re not listed in the Yellow Pages.”

“Word of mouth. You’d be surprised how many sick people there are in the world.” He grinned. I punched him again. His eyes clouded over as he swayed, the blow almost rendering him unconscious.

“Mace.” Leeta grabbed my arm, pulling me back. “He’s no good to you dead.” Her voice was soft. She was right. I turned around and walked to the front door, Ben and Leet at my heels.

“You’re just letting him go?” Ben asked, surprised. “Dude, he obviously knows something.”

“I know, but we weren’t going to get anywhere with him,” I muttered, climbing back into my car. I waited until both Leet and Ben were in.

“What’s the plan, then?” Asked Ben.

“We’re going to sit here until he moves. These guys don’t do cell phones—they don’t want anything to track Luke back to them. If he is going to try and warn them like I hope he is, then he’ll do it in person. And when he does, I’ll be ready.”

“And if you’re wrong?” asked Leeta.

“Then I have no idea what I’ll do.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Five hours had passed. Five hours of the three of us sitting together in that car, and nothing had happened. Luke was still inside, and we were still sitting here in complete silence. Five freaking hours of me sitting in a car with my boyfriend and my ex. Total nightmare.

“This is ridiculous.” I sighed, throwing my head back against the seat. “There has to be a better way than this.”