Page 44 of Provoke

The guard stopped and turned, staring at me though narrowed eyes. Just when I thought I was going to get hauled off into my own cell, he nodded.

“I could help you out . . . but you need to understand the risk in that for me.” I pulled out a fifty. He nodded. “Follow me.”

I nodded at the guard as he ushered me into a small, dark, closet-sized space.

“Wait here,” he said, locking me in. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I sat down on at the small metal table that occupied the centre of the room. It was little more than an interrogation space. I glanced at the mirror that stretched along the length of the wall. Was it paranoid of me to wonder if there was anyone behind there, watching me? How the fuck was I supposed to speak to Cash here?

The door opened and Cash walked in. He said something to the guard, who nodded and left us alone. I narrowed my eyes at my brother.

“What?” He shrugged. “I just asked the guy to leave us alone for a few minutes.”

“So, you’ve got this whole place wrapped around your finger, huh?”

Cash smirked as he approached me. He set his hands down on the table. “What do you want, Mace? Don’t tell me you’re fucking things up already.”

“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” I grumbled, running my fingers through my hair. I hated that I needed help. I hated even more that it was Cash I was asking. He laughed and sat down while I scowled at him.

My brother was a scary-looking dude, with tattoos covering both arms and half his body. He was tall—a good few inches taller than me—and had the body of a weightlifter.

“So what? You stick to the plan and find these fuckers, and I’ll do the rest.” Cash shrugged.

Yeah, because it’s all that fucking easy.

“Mace,” he sighed, shaking his head. “What the fuck is wrong with you, man?”

“You don’t get it,” I growled, smashing my fists down on the table. “You have no fucking idea what I’ve been through the last few months. You think finding these guys is fucking easy? You think I enjoyed helping those sick fucks get their rocks off? You think I enjoyed cheating on Leet?” I stopped, swallowing hard.

It wasn’t worth it. He would never understand. We may have been brothers, but Cash had lost the ability to empathize a long time ago.

“That’s what this is really about.” Cash laughed, stretching his arms behind his head. “Your chick. All you care about is her, and not fucking up what you have.”

“Just leave it,” I warned him. I wasn’t in the mood to listen to him badmouth Leet. And they wondered why I never visited.

“No, I’m right, aren’t I? Fuck family. Fuck Anna. You care more about this courtroom chick than you ever did about us.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it,” I growled, getting to my feet.

Anger pulsated through my veins. Who the fuck was he to sit there and judge me?

“You fucked up your own life, and you resent the fact that I still have one. That’s why you’re so insistent on being the one who fucks these guys up. You want to give them a reason to lock you up for good, because you’re too much of a pussy to get out and make something of your life,” I spat, my eyes level with his.

He laughed bitterly. “That’s why you involved Dad, isn’t it? I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why you had gone to him, but that’s it, isn’t it?”

I backed off, flexing my shaking hands.

“He is in here for life. He is never getting out. You still have a choice.” I turned around and banged on the door. The guard came in immediately and escorted me out. I glanced back at my brother, who was sitting down, holding his head in his hands.

Nothing I said was going to get through to him. I knew that, but at least I’d tried.


Was there any chance she was going to forgive me?

She wouldn’t be helping you if there were no chance. Leave it; stop pushing her into giving you answers she’s not ready to give.

It was great advice. Only, I rarely listened to my own advice.

I jumped off my bike and took my helmet off, tucking it under my arm as I walked up to her front door. I knocked. I could hear her thumping around inside as she ran for the door, swinging it open. I breathed in sharply, wetting my lips as my gaze ran over her short light-blue skirt and white tee. I felt my cock harden as my eyes fell on her stiff nipples, which were on show through the thin fabric.