Page 8 of Provoke

Timmy craned his neck, looking past me into the bedroom. “I was kinda hoping I’d be interrupting something. The way you talk about this guy of yours . . . well, let’s just say the odd night, your descriptions kept me quite satisfied.”

“Eww, Tim, you didn’t!” I cried. “And sorry, he’s not here.” I poked my tongue out at him and then disappeared into the bedroom with my new friend still in my arms.

Setting him down on the bed, I threw on a pair of track pants and a pyjama top. Then I picked the little kitty up again, holding him close as he purred softly. We both knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

“This isn’t fair, you know.” I glowered at Tim as I walked back out into the living room.

He snorted and waved his arm at me. “Oh, shut it, Leeta. You’re much more of an animal person than I am.”

“Then why get a cat in the first place?” I asked wit

h frustration. That annoyed the hell out of me. I loved Tim to death, but this kitty had just been another accessory he’d gotten sick of after a week. With so many unwanted animals in the world, his attitude and lack of accountability astounded me.

“Okay! We’ve established that I’m an idiot. Can we move on?” He waved his hand, rolling his eyes as though I were boring him.

I let the matter drop and sank down onto the couch next to him. Tickling Marcus under the chin, I smiled as he craned his little neck. Timmy was right: I did love animals. And I had been planning on getting a cat. That didn’t excuse what he’d done, but I’d get over it. But Marcus? Who the hell names a cat Marcus?

“I don’t have any food or litter,” I mumbled as the little guy circled my lap before lying down.

“In my car. Food, litter, bed, toys . . . I didn’t want to be presumptuous.”

I snorted. “When are you not?”

“I’ll be back in a sec.”

I shook my head as he darted out of the room. I tickled the little guy under the chin as I listened to the front door slam, then open a few minutes later, and then slam shut again. Tim came running in, carrying bags of cat products.

“Uncle Tim’s a silly boy, isn’t he?” I cooed at Marcus as he tried to nibble on my nose. My eyes widened at the stack of toys. Was that a freaking leather jacket? “How much shit did you buy this thing, Tim?” I gasped.

“What?” he shrugged. “So I got carried away. Sue me.” He threw a ball at my head. I laughed, ducking out of the way.

“I can’t believe you,” I sighed, cuddling the kitty up against me. Oh, he is so cute. “If you’re staying, then make yourself useful and get me a drink.”

“Can’t,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve got a hot date.”

“With who?” I asked. This was the first I’d heard about any date. To my knowledge, he hadn’t been out in weeks.

“Damien, the courier from Speedsters? Asked him out and he said yes.”

“Well, have fun,” I said, rolling my eyes as he pecked me on the cheek. He ruffled Marcus behind the ear.

“You too. Don’t wear that cute little pussy out.” His laughter rang through the hallway as he let himself out.

“Come on, you,” I cooed, kissing his little nose. “Let’s go to bed, hey?”

Pulling back the covers, I climbed into my warm bed. Thank God for electric blankets, that’s all I could say. Without them, I’d never sleep. Marcus was curled up in his bed on the ground next to me. I hesitated, then reached down, lifting his bed onto the other side of mine. I didn’t want him getting cold. Reaching for my phone, I yawned uncontrollably. It was barely ten, but I was wrecked.

Goodnight from Marcus and I xx

Mace responded to my text right away.

Who the hell is Marcus?

Smiling, I replied.

The cutie sharing my bed. Come see for yourself…you have a key.

I giggled as I set my alarm, and switched my phone over to silent. How crazy was that message going to drive him? Crazy enough to come over here and find out? I snuggled down into my bed and closed my eyes.