Page 49 of Provoke

I nodded, swallowing hard. Well, it wouldn't be a party without a blindfolded and a gag.

I opened my mouth, letting him slip the ball of the gag inside. I bit down gently as he fastened it behind my head. Blindfold in hand, he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

“I love you, Leet.”

Hearing those words made my heart swell. I was thankful for the gag, so I didn't have to respond. I wasn't ready for that.

Darkness surrounded me as he lowered the blindfold over my eyes.

This is terrifying.

With my sight compromised, my other senses kicked in. The feel of the fan blowing against my skin, the sound of my beating heart in my chest . . . the metallic taste in my mouth as I bit down on my lip.

I listened, trying to place Mace's movements around the room.

Click, click, click. Then nothing. Just me locked in my own silence.

My breathing shallowed as I waited for what felt like forever for something to happen. Anything.

“Mm, oh yes. Would you look at that body?”

I stiffened: a voice. Was it the same as the videos? I couldn't be sure. I didn't trust anything that I was thinking. My head was a freaking mess.

“Can you stand her up so I can get a better look at her?”

I could feel Mace behind me, untying the ropes. I swallowed, my throat so dry. He yanked me to my feet. His aggression surprised me. Scared me, even.

This isn’t Mace, and you are not Leeta.

“Yeah, I like that a lot. Get her up on the table so I can see her better.”

All of a sudden the floor gave way below me. My heart pounded as I realized I was in his arms.

He's got you. He won't hurt you.

I gasped as the freezing surface of the metal table hit my back. Holy shit, it was cold. I blinked rapidly, as my muscles clenched.

I could hear him chuckle. I felt sick. I felt dirty.

“Is that a scalpel I see there?” A scalpel?

“Yes. Shall I get it?”

Mace. I sighed. It was such a relief to hear his voice. I'd been afraid this guy would see through my act. But this was no act. This fear—the absolute terror that I felt right through to my core—was real.

“Yes. Cut her bra, in the centre.”

A single slice through the delicate lace material of my purple bra, and my breasts were exposed. I could feel my nipples harden.

“God, she's beautiful. Perfect. Leave the blindfold on.”

God no, please.

Not being able to see Mace . . . I couldn't do this. But I had no choice. I had to do this. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop. I was blindfolded and gagged, for fuck’s sake.

“Run the scalpel over her skin. I want to see it trail down to her panties.”

I swallowed as the blade touched the skin between my breasts. He slowly moved it downward. It was sharp, stinging as it broke through the top layer of my skin. My breath caught in my throat as he reached the lace edge, trailing the blade over the soft fabric of my panties. I breathed in sharply, not expecting the arousal that shot through me. It scared me. I shouldn’t be enjoying this. I wasn’t enjoying it. My body was betraying me with its natural response to being sexually stimulated.